For those who believe mankind needs to re-evaluate and change the roles each one of us plays in our ecosystem of finite resources, to redirect our impact on future generations and their ways of life.
Friday, September 30, 2005
Consumers to see expensive heating season ahead
"Analysts and economists say that while imports helped bring gasoline prices back below $3 a gallon in many areas, there's not much room to import natural gas or heating oil from overseas......
.....But economists say the key reason for natural gas rises of the last year, before the hurricanes, is there is virtually no excess capacity to meet growing demand.
"Right now we have a supply picture that is fully utilized, even with record wells drilled, record rigs," said Chris McGill, managing director of policy analysis at the American Gas Association.
He said that it'll take a warm winter, and a quick recovery from hurricane related damage, to bring some price relief, but it is far too soon to predict either of those things will occur."
cnn money
Thursday, September 29, 2005
Volvo launches world's first CO2-free automotive plant
Now why can't American manufacturers come up with something like this? Honestly, what is with our American CEO's? Would someone please WAKE THEM UP!? Good golly.
"AB Volvo has decided to make Volvo Trucks' plant in Tuve the world's first CO2-free automotive plant. As a result of investments in wind power and biofuel, the plant's electricity and heat will come from sources that do not emit any carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.
"The Greenhouse Effect is a reality and the automotive industry has a specific responsibility for coping with emissions of carbon dioxide," says Volvo's Chief Executive Officer Leif Johansson."
Now why can't American manufacturers come up with something like this? Honestly, what is with our American CEO's? Would someone please WAKE THEM UP!? Good golly.
Temporary energy relief in the wake of Katrina, Rita may be fleeting
"Although not as well publicized as are the other energy derivatives, natural gas may be in the worst shape of all. With no overseas imports available as of now, the winter season is already threatened by major shortages. And with most of Europe competing with the American Northeast for natural gas, there are no additional reserves to tap. In addition, natural gas is second only to coal as a power source for electric generators. Ironically, a swing from electricity to natural gas for heating was due to the manipulated prices of electricity a few years ago. Also playing a part is the continuing lack of nuclear power, which barely generates 20 percent of America's power supply today.
Despite reassuring statements from Saudi Arabia and other Mideast OPEC nations that they're pumping to the maximum and prices will come down due to a potential oil glut, this simply is not true. Spare pumping capacity from OPEC, which controls 70 percent of the world's alleged oil reserves of 1.12 trillion barrels, is at a low ebb. No new reserves of major consequence have been discovered in the past 30 years. Also, depletion has exceeded new discoveries by a two-to-one ratio during this time period. In addition, both China and India are on the way to rivaling the huge oil demand now emanating from the American consumer within little more than a decade.
What is true in the Saudi statements is America's unconscionable lack of refining capacity. Not one U.S. -based refinery has been completed since 1976, and a disproportionate percentage of those in existence are located along the vulnerable Texas/Louis-iana Gulf Coast.
To add insult to injury, only 20 percent of the global 80 million barrels of oil produced today are light, sweet crude, which is easily refinable. The bulk of oil from the Middle East requires a much more intense refining process.
Consumers may have temporarily dodged a major bullet in the wake of the twin hurricanes. But, the most crucial period of energy cost and availability crises are yet to befall America in the days ahead."
CNN: Transit ridership increases with gas prices
"If Americans used public transportation for roughly 10 percent of their daily travel needs, the U.S. would reduce its dependence on imported oil by more than 40 percent, or nearly the amount of oil the U.S. imports from Saudi Arabia each year, according to a 2002 APTA-commissioned study.
"Increased use of public transportation is the single most effective way to reduce America's energy consumption, and it does not require any new taxes, government mandates or regulations," said APTA president William Millar."
Tuesday, September 27, 2005
CNN: Storms shut in gasoline output
So why haven't our gas prices gone up and why is the price of a barrel of oil down right now? I'm not a market expert but it's fluctuations sure don't appear to have any rhyme or reason sometimes. My hunch is that maybe releasing the SPR reserves have a little something to do with it. We can't keep doing that, though. Something's bound to give.
From what I've been reading online and hearing on CNBC about the rigs and refineries, we must be in a calm before the storm right now. I haven't watched much CNBC (stockmarket channel) today but yesterday they were sounding very dismal about the energy sector. That's not like them. The usual bear/bull opponents they frequently present on their news were actually agreeing on some energy effects! I don't see that very often.
So why haven't our gas prices gone up and why is the price of a barrel of oil down right now? I'm not a market expert but it's fluctuations sure don't appear to have any rhyme or reason sometimes. My hunch is that maybe releasing the SPR reserves have a little something to do with it. We can't keep doing that, though. Something's bound to give.
From what I've been reading online and hearing on CNBC about the rigs and refineries, we must be in a calm before the storm right now. I haven't watched much CNBC (stockmarket channel) today but yesterday they were sounding very dismal about the energy sector. That's not like them. The usual bear/bull opponents they frequently present on their news were actually agreeing on some energy effects! I don't see that very often.
Friday, September 23, 2005
Satellite Photo of Hurricane Rita
This is just awesome! I've been reading the Peak Oil News & Message Boards and someone posted this link to a satellite photo of hurricane Rita. Totally amazing.
Click here.
You can click on the picture and get a REAL closeup view of the eye.
Click here.
You can click on the picture and get a REAL closeup view of the eye.
Wednesday, September 21, 2005
Tracking hurricanes at The Oil Drum again.....
Sorry I haven't posted in awhile....I've been working and following the developments of Rita on The Oil Drum. It's addicting! Go ahead and click on The Oil Drum listed on my sidebar of blogs. Best coverage on the net!
Tuesday, September 20, 2005
Workin' on the fence

Pictures of my Small Garden Harvest

Here are some cherry tomatoes, glacier tomatoes, brandywine tomatoes, banana peppers & bell peppers. Not too bad for my first attempt, heh?

I found out that I just needed to wait a little longer to harvest my carrots! They ended up being a decent size. I tried to harvest some about a month ago and they were very small!
Before the oil runs out: How will this era end?
..."One immediate problem for the U.S. is that its leaders in Washington too often see the oil supply situation "largely as a political problem," argues Mr. Roberts, author of 2004's The End of Oil. Too many of them insist that if only the U.S. government would allow oil drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, or if only U.S. companies were allowed back into the rich Saudi oil fields, the problem would be solved, he adds.
Yet rising prices for gasoline and crude oil already demonstrate something else — that worldwide demand is gaining on, and could soon overtake, supply, Roberts says. If demand keeps rising, he adds, "I don't think anyone in the West knows" whether oil exporters, particularly in the volatile Middle East, can — or will — meet that demand."
Sunday, September 18, 2005
Preparation Plunders
Hi all! Not a whole lot happening right around me right now. I'm just plain BUSY. I'll probably pick up with more posting when it gets colder and things slow down. Aside from the usual dealings of life and family, I've been busy making a list of things I want to buy in order prepare for more simple living in the future. Here's a beginning to my wish list:
-pressure canner
-canning jars & lids
-battery charger
-solar powered back pack (cool item I saw bloggers in New Orleans have)
-small gas/propane tank for the grill (winter cooking!)
-some good knives
-stainless steel kettles
-rain gauge
-compost bin (make or buy, either way)
-indoor & outdoor clotheslines
-72-hour MRE meals for my bugout bag
-Ball Blue Book of canning and preserving
-materials for making cold frames for my existing raised beds
-materials for making some more raised beds for next year
-peach and apple trees & items to protect them after I plant them
-winter cover crop seeds (gotta get those soon!)
-vacuum/pump sealer & appropriate jars
Well, that's just a start. I have no idea HOW I'm going to be able to afford everything right now. My daughter is in her senior year and it's proving to be an expensive year so far! Senior pictures are up next! We've already had college application fees, SAT/ACT fees, volleyball team fees, book fees, school clothes, etc. After senior pictures comes 2 semi-formal dances and the prom! Don't forget cap & gown fees...then the graduation party!
This summer has also produced some stumbling blocks such as a hit-and-run driver hitting our vehicle ($500 deductible) and both the washer & dryer breaking down needing repairs along with a heating/cooling check-up ($450). The H/C checkup also consisted of installment of an energy-saving thermostat. Hope it will work!
We also spent almost $1000 to replace our fence that blew down from rain and wind last year. This was a good investment, though, as I've had NO more deer problems in my garden!
It's just very frustrating not to be able to move quicker to obtain the things on my wish list! We've spent about $2000 on things (mentioned above) this summer that could've been used for preparations! Ugh!
Don't forget! Christmas is coming! Grrr(inch)!
-pressure canner
-canning jars & lids
-battery charger
-solar powered back pack (cool item I saw bloggers in New Orleans have)
-small gas/propane tank for the grill (winter cooking!)
-some good knives
-stainless steel kettles
-rain gauge
-compost bin (make or buy, either way)
-indoor & outdoor clotheslines
-72-hour MRE meals for my bugout bag
-Ball Blue Book of canning and preserving
-materials for making cold frames for my existing raised beds
-materials for making some more raised beds for next year
-peach and apple trees & items to protect them after I plant them
-winter cover crop seeds (gotta get those soon!)
-vacuum/pump sealer & appropriate jars
Well, that's just a start. I have no idea HOW I'm going to be able to afford everything right now. My daughter is in her senior year and it's proving to be an expensive year so far! Senior pictures are up next! We've already had college application fees, SAT/ACT fees, volleyball team fees, book fees, school clothes, etc. After senior pictures comes 2 semi-formal dances and the prom! Don't forget cap & gown fees...then the graduation party!
This summer has also produced some stumbling blocks such as a hit-and-run driver hitting our vehicle ($500 deductible) and both the washer & dryer breaking down needing repairs along with a heating/cooling check-up ($450). The H/C checkup also consisted of installment of an energy-saving thermostat. Hope it will work!
We also spent almost $1000 to replace our fence that blew down from rain and wind last year. This was a good investment, though, as I've had NO more deer problems in my garden!
It's just very frustrating not to be able to move quicker to obtain the things on my wish list! We've spent about $2000 on things (mentioned above) this summer that could've been used for preparations! Ugh!
Don't forget! Christmas is coming! Grrr(inch)!
Friday, September 16, 2005
New Peak Oil Blog to Visit
Hi all! Another ROE2er has created a new blog and I'm trying to help him receive some exposure. Looks like another good one!
Hi all! Another ROE2er has created a new blog and I'm trying to help him receive some exposure. Looks like another good one!
When Will the World Start Running Out of Oil?
"VIENNA, Austria: Fact: The world will someday start running out of oil. Up for debate: When—in months, years, decades?
Despite rapidly growing demand, crude will be plentiful for at least another generation, according to top producer Saudi Arabia, major oil companies and others in the oil industry. But some experts argue that OPEC’s reserves are overstated, recovery technologies have serious limitations and the day that demand starts to outpace supply may soon be upon us.
Most bearish is Princeton professor, geologist and oil maverick Kenneth S. Deffeyes, who uses a formula based on known reserves and production figures that predicted 1970 as the start of oil production decline in The United States. It actually occurred shortly afterward in 1971, and Deffeyes sees the same situation in global production occurring this year.
Deffeyes’ prediction is clearly controversial. Still, dozens of energy experts and academics are taking the “peak-oil” theory increasingly seriously.".....
...."Simmons also dismisses claims that improvements in technology will extend the petroleum age by increasing oil recovery from reserves above the 40 percent now possible. He points to North Sea oil, saying production there peaked six years ago, despite all out oil-industry attempts to increase output by tapping unexploitable reserves through new means.
Of course, if demand sags, the petroleum era will last longer. So, when is oil going to peak?
Simmons suggests it could be sooner than later.
“The difference between peak oil happening and [oil] running out completely is the difference between me saying ‘I’m getting slightly hungry’ and ‘I’m starving to death.”
Solving Peak Oil-Report
"While much has been written recently on the Peak of Global Oil Production, very little has been written to demonstrate how we can overcome these problems and manage declining oil supplies with workable and effective strategies.
This report "2007: Solving Peak Oil" fills that gap. It focuses on the answers to Solving Peak Oil.
"2007: Solving Peak Oil" explains how known, tried and tested and cost effective technologies can be implemented quickly to reduce oil consumption in step with falling oil supply and maintain security of global transport without major disruption to society.
That Peak Oil is real and imminent is now beyond doubt. Action must be taken to reduce Global Oil Dependence. By 2010, Oil Production will have fallen to 82Mb/d from some 85Mb/d at present. By 2020 it will have fallen further to 65Mb/d. Half of global oil consumption is used by the transportation sector and the majority of that by Road Transport."
Some Ways to Prepare for the Absolute Worst
"Getting ready for the next disaster doesn't seem so crazy anymore. Mrs. Stegner, who is the host of a radio show on preparedness and sells survival products from a store in nearby Humansville, says it has been easy to "get labeled a nutcase" for worrying about catastrophes. But she and other survivalist outfitters are noticing how, at least right now, the general public is a bit more receptive.
John Maniatty, who runs the Web site out of Morrisville, Vt., says he is getting six times the traffic he had in early August and considerably more than after the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001. "So many more normal people - I use that term because I get wackos, too - are taking a look," he said.
You don't have to go as far as a survivalist, but you can certainly learn from them. Here is a distillation of advice from emergency preparedness experts from across the spectrum:....."more
Thursday, September 15, 2005
The Get-Ready Men
"We will run out of cheap oil, either now or later. The most pessimistic disciples of the late geologist M. King Hubbert believe that production will peak somewhere between 2000 and 2010. Others suggest that production may top out a few decades after that.
What will happen next is unknown, but an increasing number of the peak-oil handicappers share the dark beliefs of James Howard Kunstler, who predicts that alternative energy sources will never meet our needs and that we are in for a "rough ride through uncharted territory," which will take us "off the edge of a cliff" and thence into "an abyss of economic and political disorder on a scale that no one has ever seen before." The sprawl of metaphors is characteristic of Kunstler, who in The Long Emergency: Surviving the Converging Catastrophes of the Twenty-First Century adds a relentless, scary, and entertaining voice to the rising alarm about life after the cheap oil is gone.
Prophets have been warning Americans of the terrible things in store for decades, but Kunstler joins a fresh corps whose numbers seem to have been increasing as quickly as the price of gas. The past two years have seen books with titles like Paul Roberts's The End of Oil, Richard Heinberg's The Party's Over, Tom Mast's Over a Barrel, and David Goodstein's Out of Gas and a film called The End of Suburbia by Gregory Greene, to name a few, and to leave out their long and unsettling subtitles, most of which approximate Roberts's choice, which is On the Edge of a Perilous New World. These authors may someday join the ranks of the dated alarmists--Jeremy Rifkin, among countless others, issued similar warnings in Entropy in 1980--but then again, they may be right. One may demonstrate that the alarm rings too often and too soon, but that does not mean that danger will never come.
Kunstler's predictions may seem excessively dire to many, but a significant number of people are paying attention and getting ready. His book has been hovering in the top 1,000 on for months, and the topic of peak oil has gained traction beyond the encouraging environment of the Internet. In the past 18 months, 82 groups with about 2,000 registered members in cities around the world have been organized through to discuss the issue. At a recent meeting of the 100-member New York forum, participants were quoting Kunstler repeatedly--during, for instance, a discussion of where to move after the crash.
Our particular problem, Kunstler and his colleagues continually remind us, is that we have built a world based on the ready availability of cheap energy. The apocalyptic catch, though, in their view, is that oil was a "one-shot deal," and there will never be another power source as easy to extract, as portable, and as powerful. When the oil dries up, writes Kunstler, "all bets are off against civilization's future."
Wednesday, September 14, 2005
Nigerians protest at fuel prices
"The Nigerian Labor Congress (NLC) had billed the march as the first in a series of mass protests that would also highlight what it sees as President Olusegun Obasanjo's failure to improve services to the poor majority in six years in power.
The demonstration started off small but numbers rose to about 2,000 after passing through busy Yaba market. It had yet to reach Ikeja where speakers were due to address the crowd.
"The government doesn't have any feelings for the poor masses. Our food is very expensive in the markets and there's no employment," said Esther Udueyin, one of the protesters.
Two thirds of Nigeria's 140 million people live on less than a dollar a day.
The official fuel pricing agency raised the price of petrol at the pump on August 26 after the state oil company said high oil prices on international markets meant the cost of fuel imports had shot up and it could no longer afford fuel subsidies.
Nigeria is the world's eighth-largest exporter of crude oil but it lacks refining capacity and has to import more than half its daily consumption of fuel."
Fears grow high oil prices will hit world economic growth
Irish Examiner
"US industrial production rose 0.1% in July, and the Institute for Supply Management's factory index unexpectedly fell in August, showing manufacturing was already beginning to slow as energy costs surged.
Meanwhile, global oil production is near peak and is set to decline within a few years, a report warns.
This at a time when demand from 85% of the world is still rising while it is estimated a third of the world's oil now comes from declining oil fields.
Serious measures must be implemented to cut demand according to the report: 2007: Solving Peak Oil, which outlines the technical and policy steps needed to meet the challenge. It attempts to cope with the impending crisis and argues that tried and tested and cost-effective technologies can be implemented quickly to reduce oil consumption.
If done in line with falling oil supplies, it can prevent a major disruption of global transport without major disruption to society."
Yoko Ono Documentary--I Love You

Sorry to be off-topic again but I received this nice e-mail from someone and I thought I'd share. In light of all the negativity we see in the world today, this was a nice reprieve from all of the things I inundate myself with. I think we need a little more positive energy rotating around the world right now, and in the true spirit of John Lennon, Yoko Ono is trying. I'm not an avid fan of hers but this was sweet. Enjoy:
Yoko Ono Documentary
Tuesday, September 13, 2005
New Orleans: Dress rehearsal for lockdown America
..."Particularly since 9–11, FEMA has been very little about disaster relief and very much about "population management." Katrina has underscored what the federal government and virtually all Americans already knew—the chaos that results from natural disasters. What the federal government knows, but most Americans don't know is the pandemonium that will result as the consequences of Peak Oil exacerbate.
In the United States, all nonorganic food growers use commercial pesticides and fertilizers on agricultural products. These have either a petroleum or natural gas base, thus insuring that as petroleum and natural gas prices increase, so will food prices. Moreover, what happens when trucking companies go belly up from gas prices, when truckers can no longer afford fuel, and when their axles break because interstates are in disrepair as a result of the prices or shortages of the petroleum needed to build roads? What happens when the housing bubble bursts, when massive unemployment engulfs the nation, and when hundreds of thousands or millions of people must walk away from their mortgaged homes? Add to this, the likely crashing of the U.S. dollar and the certainty of more natural disasters. Anarchy may not even approach the description of such a scenario. Enter FEMA's mandate and machinery, thanks to Blackwater, to maintain order.
One of the harshest realities of Peak Oil, but as old as the infanticide practiced by ancient civilizations is "demand destruction," also known as population control. In a recent article, Mike Ruppert explained its integral role in a global energy crisis:
"Demand destruction" has become a priority not only to mitigate Peak Oil but also to mitigate global warming. The United States, with 5% of the world's people, consumes (wastes) 25% of the world's energy. How do you destroy demand? You collapse the economy. Homeless, unemployed "refugees" (what a cold, depersonalizing term) don't buy gas, take trips, fly on airplanes or buy consumer goods (made with energy and requiring energy to operate). They don't use air conditioning because they can't afford it. They are the embodiment of Henry Kissinger's infamous term "useless eaters," a phrase from the Nazi vocabulary. If energy demand destruction, as acknowledged by the Bilderbergers and the CFR [Council On Foreign Relations], is a priority, then the only—I repeat only—beast that must be tamed is the United States.
As we witnessed the American Apartheid of relocating masses of African-Americans to cities throughout the nation, how chilling was FEMA's promise of a $2,000 debit card for each person, then its decision to give these "useless eaters" a check for $2,000 when most have neither a checking account nor personal identification! In addition, the very fact that so many of these individuals are living from paycheck to paycheck, on the brink of homelessness, underscores the likelihood that many of them will be forced into bankruptcy which may accelerate freefall into homelessness as the Bush administration's Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention Act becomes law on October 17. Remember the USA PATRIOT Act—that 300-page piece of legislation passed in the middle of the night on October 26, 2001, which almost no members of Congress had a chance to read? You know, the one that shredded the Constitution and the Bill of Rights? How appropriate that the Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention Act will become law almost four years to the day after the USA PATRIOT Act was passed.
It appears that FEMA did not think this one through, but, alas, things are not necessarily as they seem. Certainly, the ruling elite would not intentionally arrange for millions of indigent evacuees to suddenly "litter" the streets of America. A more likely scenario could be debt servitude. I can already hear the FEMA offer that no penniless refugee could refuse: "We'd like to give you a job helping to clean up New Orleans or the South Coast. We can't pay you the prevailing wage, however, since the president cancelled prevailing wage by executive order. We also notice that you have quite a bit of debt, but never fear, we will give you the opportunity to 'work off your debt' by coming to work for us until your debt is satisified." Will this be Readiness Exercise 2005, 2006, 2007, ad infinitum?"...
Sunday, September 11, 2005
Central bankers fret about oil
cnn money
"The surprising resilience of the world economy to the energy shock has pleased central bankers, although they are wary.
A report on financial stability issued by top central bankers Friday cited rising energy costs, aggravated by Hurricane Katrina, as factors likely to influence the near-term outlook for global economic growth and inflation.
European Union finance ministers Saturday urged long-term solutions and set out a four-point program for tackling the effects of a 200-percent rise in the price of crude oil in real terms since 2001.
G10 Chairman Jean-Claude Trichet, who heads the European Central Bank, backed the program that urged producers to keep pumping extra crude, invest their extra earnings in new exploration, open their books to provide markets with reliable information on supply and invest in new refining capacity as well as alternative energy sources.
EU ministers estimate that demand for crude oil will rise a further 50 percent in the next 20 years and some economists are talking of $100 a barrel."
Oil supply facts, forecasts provide fuel for thought
"It used to be that only environmentalists and paranoids warned about the world running out of oil and the future it could bring: crashing economies, resource wars, social breakdown, agony at the pump. Not anymore – and certainly not this summer, with the average national price of a gallon of gasoline around $2.60 in late August, up 73 cents from last year, and with Hurricane Katrina’s aftereffects bound to push prices still higher. A growing number of industry insiders believe that the era of cheap, abundant oil is ending and that governments, corporate elites and ordinary people are utterly unprepared for the challenges ahead.
Matthew R. Simmons is an investment banker with 30 years of experience advising the industry’s major players, including briefing President Bush and Vice President Cheney. How long abundant oil will last, Simmons has asserted, is “the world’s biggest serious question.” The answers he provides in “Twilight in the Desert” are nothing less than alarming – all the more so because of his pro-industry sympathies and the prodigious research and fair-minded reasoning he brings to his task.
Simmons and other petro-pessimists do not suggest that Earth will surrender its last drop of oil anytime soon. Rather, they contend that we are approaching, or beyond, “peak oil” – the point where half of a given amount of oil has been pumped out and half still remains. That may not sound bad, but history shows that the second half is much costlier and less certain to extract; the U.S. and other post-peak regions have all experienced steep production declines.
In a world where oil demand sets new records every year, the arrival of peak oil promises to bring more frequent and debilitating shortages, higher and more volatile prices, and a host of other nasty consequences. Think back to the oil shocks and gas lines of the 1970s; then imagine those shocks continuing not for months but decades. That’s life in the peak-oil future, Simmons argues, when the suburban lifestyle millions of Americans take for granted will become unsustainable.
Conventional wisdom says that the magic of the market will solve the problem: Higher prices will call forth more supply. In particular, Saudi Arabia is assumed to hold virtually inexhaustible reserves – enough, the Saudis say, to continue the current production rates (8 million to 9 million barrels per day) for another 90 years. Simmons demolishes these rosy assumptions."
Some say Katrina's aftermath is glimpse of world's energy future
"Soaring energy prices, long lines at the gasoline pump and supply shortages in the wake of Hurricane Katrina should serve as a wake-up call about the nation's energy situation.
"This is really the squall line in front of the big storm," said Jeffrey Brown, a Dallas-area independent geologist. He visited Midland recently to address the Forum for Exploration, Production and Acquisitions to discuss "Peak Oil: It's Impact on the Oil Patch Economy and on the U.S. and World Economies."
Brown, who is helping Matt Simmons and James Kuntsler prepare a presentation on the topic to be given in Dallas in November, believes the world is at, near or perhaps just past its peak of sustainable oil production.
It took, he noted, a coordinated effort of release from the nation's Strategic Petroleum Reserve and from the European Union to calm markets after the hurricane hit, an indication that capacity has been reached."
Saturday, September 10, 2005
CNOOC Chief Predicts $90 Oil
resource investor
"SHANGHAI (Interfax-China) -- Oil will peak at $90 per barrel by March of next year, CNOOC Dep. Chief Economist Zhang Weiping said at conference discussing China's energy needs in Beijing on Monday. Zhang also expected global oil production to peak at 94-100 mb/day during the next five years."
Friday, September 09, 2005
Tuesday, September 06, 2005
It's time for a little bit of Aretha Franklin

Time out from peak oil for a minute. One song that has been in my head today upon watching the miraculous stories of the evacuees around the U.S. and the hardships they have and will face is by Aretha Franklin and it's called "Surely God Is Able". I have her CD "One Faith, One Lord, One Baptism". It got me through the presidential elections as I played "We Need Power" and "Oh Happy Day" over and over again as I prayed to give me strength even though we were defeated. Actually, I couldn't stand to watch the 2nd presidential debate live, and, instead, listened to this CD while praying/meditating for Kerry to do a good job (it worked because that was the one where Bush did terrible! lol). Yeah, I'm a white girl but the soul of Aretha Franklin is in me! Don't underestimate the good, downtrodden, poor, African-American section of America. They KNOW adversity and are a very resilient people. The strength and faith of some of the poor and oppressed are an inspiration to me, and many times I look towards their strength when I'm down.
If you have a file-sharing system, try to download these songs from Aretha Franklin from the CD I mentioned above:
1. Surely God is Able
2. Introduction to Higher Ground by Rev. Jasper Williams
2. Higher Ground
3. I've Been In The Storm Too Long
4. Packing up, Getting Ready To Go
5. Jesus Hears Every Prayer
Sorry, non-Christians. I'm just expressing my faith in these tumultuous times in hopes that others might receive the solace and peace that I receive with Aretha's music sometimes. Take it as you will.
Peak Oil, Business as Usual, and Katrina: Bill Henderson
"New Orleans is sinking. The average American, North American, family has learned to spend somewhere near 10% more than it earns every year and bankruptcies are skyrocketing. Hopefully, Katrina isn't the trigger this time; hopefully, this brutal kick to the American sewage system won't lead to housing and other bubbles bursting all over America and then globally. Hopefully, rapidly increasing gas prices won't trigger a chain reaction of just in time non-deliveries, foreclosures, personal and civic strife, panic and looting. But it is going to happen sooner or later.
We should expect an angry outcry from truckers and airlines, farmers and seniors: everybody who will be pinched badly by rising gas prices and should expect attempts to force governments to increasingly subsidize transportation or at least reduce gas taxes. Totally wrong way to go but, realistically, to be expected.
We should expect Europe, Canada and Japan to send oil and gasoline to incredibly wasteful America but not to Eritrea or Bangladesh.
We should expect that those in control of government and the economy will resist all reasonable attempts to introduce non-market regulation to conserve oil and planning to hasten a post oil economy.
There is a bigger picture here: EO Wilson's Bottleneck, Bill Catton Jrs OVERSHOOT, the once and forever end of oil. There is a dawning appreciation of what good government should be but isn't, and how close we are all to chaos and cruel inhumanity when calamity strikes, and the importance of strong institutions and the rule of law.
But, like peak oil and Iraq, most of us will only awaken to reality in the wake of the storm surge."
peak oil Katrina
Here's a Pollyanna View if I Ever Saw One
U.S. Economic Policies Lauded--Metro West Daily News
"Bad economic policies created the severe bear market in stocks in the 1970s. Even worse economic policies created the agonizing Great Depression in the 1930s. The Federal Communications Commission caused the bear market of 2002. (For an explanation of that one, see for the column dated 3/3/03.)
The policies of today, despite the subsidies, are far better. Even the Federal Communications Commission is reversing its damaging policies of the 1990s. Both government officials and the people have learned what makes good economics.
Government creates the framework for business. The framework has improved. For the foreseeable future, the severe bear markets of the 1930s and 1970s, with unemployment rates of 12 percent or more, will not recur.
The stock market will continue fluctuating, of course. But it will fluctuate as much on the downside as the terrifying bear markets of the past. Invest with confidence. Things are looking up."
Artistic, I'm Not
I managed to figure out how to change my background and font because I've had a few complaints about not being able to read against the black background. I hope this is easier to read. I'm definitely not artistic, so I'm going to have to work on this slowly!
Comments or suggestions appreciated!
Comments or suggestions appreciated!
Sunday, September 04, 2005
Saturday, September 03, 2005
IEA to release oil and gas from reserves says Bodman
cnn money
Okay. This might help. The U.S. consumes about 21 million bpd. About 1.5 million bpd have been knocked out by Katrina as far as I've read. Bodman is releasing 60 million barrels or 2 million per day. If this is correct, we would have 30 days worth of replacement, right? I wonder about refining capacity? That's where the key lies. I haven't been to The Oil Drum lately. I'll have to look and see what's being said. Anyway, I don't think this will make prices any cheaper. They will just stay as they are I bet. At least for 30 days....
oil shortage
Okay. This might help. The U.S. consumes about 21 million bpd. About 1.5 million bpd have been knocked out by Katrina as far as I've read. Bodman is releasing 60 million barrels or 2 million per day. If this is correct, we would have 30 days worth of replacement, right? I wonder about refining capacity? That's where the key lies. I haven't been to The Oil Drum lately. I'll have to look and see what's being said. Anyway, I don't think this will make prices any cheaper. They will just stay as they are I bet. At least for 30 days....
oil shortage
Friday, September 02, 2005
Thursday, September 01, 2005
The Interdictor--New Orleans blogger in a high rise
The Interdictor
Just found this. I'm sorry but I'm glued to the post-hurricane developments for now. I was so upset this morning that I called both my Senators AND my Representative and told them to do something NOW! I was frantic. They said they were getting all kinds of calls like mine and they will pass it on to their superior. I was really upset at one girl who was answering the phone for my Rep. Chris Chocola. She said, "the TV is only showing the bad things" like it was no big deal that I'm seeing dehydrated desparate babies and old people amd dead people lying all over the streets. Well, anyway, I hope the message got across. I feel like there was ample time to have a plan in place before the storm took place. Ridiculous.
Just found this. I'm sorry but I'm glued to the post-hurricane developments for now. I was so upset this morning that I called both my Senators AND my Representative and told them to do something NOW! I was frantic. They said they were getting all kinds of calls like mine and they will pass it on to their superior. I was really upset at one girl who was answering the phone for my Rep. Chris Chocola. She said, "the TV is only showing the bad things" like it was no big deal that I'm seeing dehydrated desparate babies and old people amd dead people lying all over the streets. Well, anyway, I hope the message got across. I feel like there was ample time to have a plan in place before the storm took place. Ridiculous.
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