Oil and Gas in Indiana
I thought this was interesting as pertains to Indiana. Looks like the graph that is shown indicates somewhat of a bell curve like in Hubbert's curve. It looks a little bumpy due to the reasons stated in the article. Perhaps newer technology will give us a little more. That still doesn't satiate the fact that oil is a finite resource and will decline eventually anyway. At the most, it could buy us some more time to "make the switch" (as if THAT will ever happen). As long as prices stay high, they will reopen and explore, production will rise, and the curve will spike once again for a time period. If some type of demand destruction occurs, then this will probably cause the curve to look a little bumpy, too. Nonetheless, ultimately comes decline for our future generations. If those responsible would only look a little further down the road...
For those who believe mankind needs to re-evaluate and change the roles each one of us plays in our ecosystem of finite resources, to redirect our impact on future generations and their ways of life.
Thursday, December 29, 2005
Oil drilling continues in Indiana | IndyStar.com
This paper is known as a predominantly political-right rag here in Indiana. Suffice it to say, they would put a happy light on oil exploration in the state. Well, at least it is being done by the owners and not through companies using the power of eminent domain laws. I often wonder that as oil resources become scarcer and scarcer how the new eminent domain laws will affect landowners who happen to be located on areas where there might be small oil reserves. That thought makes me shudder for the future.
This paper is known as a predominantly political-right rag here in Indiana. Suffice it to say, they would put a happy light on oil exploration in the state. Well, at least it is being done by the owners and not through companies using the power of eminent domain laws. I often wonder that as oil resources become scarcer and scarcer how the new eminent domain laws will affect landowners who happen to be located on areas where there might be small oil reserves. That thought makes me shudder for the future.
Wednesday, December 28, 2005
The Outlook on Oil : Some Experts Worry That Production Will Soon Peak. Others Warn That It Already Has. (by Jim Motavalli)

Good article with all of the pro-peak oil experts' names mentioned. I couldn't highlight just one paragraph that stood out to me. You'll have to go and read it.
Newspaper: U.S. trailing in refinery growth - Dec. 28, 2005
cnn money
....Meanwhile, U.S. oil companies continue to hold back on building refineries despite the increases seen in 2005 in prices for gasoline, heating oil and jet fuel. While regulatory issues are one barrier, oil companies generally see better returns on investment in oil exploration rather than refinery capacity....
...The newspaper reports that potentially could keep pressure on gasoline prices and increase the import of refined product.
....Meanwhile, U.S. oil companies continue to hold back on building refineries despite the increases seen in 2005 in prices for gasoline, heating oil and jet fuel. While regulatory issues are one barrier, oil companies generally see better returns on investment in oil exploration rather than refinery capacity....
...The newspaper reports that potentially could keep pressure on gasoline prices and increase the import of refined product.
Tuesday, December 27, 2005
Toward Freedom - Syriana: Hollywood�s Oil Flick
And, as "Syriana" makes plain throughout the story, energy corporations and the U.S. government are doing this, not just to make huge profits, but to perpetuate the current oil-lubricated American way of life for as long as possible. Many of us may pay lip service to opposing Team Bush/Exxon/ Cheney/ Halliburton’s plans, but as long as we refuse to make a radical energy shift, we are complicit in this whole exercise. Without being heavy-handed or preachy, Gaghan reminds us of this in subtle ways throughout the film.
Haven't seen the movie yet. I doubt it will come to my small town. Controversial movies never make it here. I'll probably have to wait for the DVD.
And, as "Syriana" makes plain throughout the story, energy corporations and the U.S. government are doing this, not just to make huge profits, but to perpetuate the current oil-lubricated American way of life for as long as possible. Many of us may pay lip service to opposing Team Bush/Exxon/ Cheney/ Halliburton’s plans, but as long as we refuse to make a radical energy shift, we are complicit in this whole exercise. Without being heavy-handed or preachy, Gaghan reminds us of this in subtle ways throughout the film.
Haven't seen the movie yet. I doubt it will come to my small town. Controversial movies never make it here. I'll probably have to wait for the DVD.
Monday, December 26, 2005
Wednesday, December 21, 2005
Seed Catalogs for 2006 Incoming!

If you're already a home gardener then this is probably old news to you but if you're new to gardening then this is entry will be of help. Recently, I've been receiving all of the new seed catalogs from suppliers that I've purchased items from last winter in my first pursuit of gardening. This is an exciting time when you get to re-plan your garden for the upcoming spring!
What does this have to do with peak oil, you ask? It has EVERYTHING to do with peak oil. You see, as the bumpy road progresses, food prices will likely skyrocket. How are you going to feed yourself if you can't afford the food in the stores or if it's just not available? What if there is some sort of crisis and everybody raids the storeshelves bare? What are you going to do if you don't know how to grow or preserve your own food? Gardening and preserving is probably the most basic thing besides stocking up that you can do. Or else, I wouldn't be doing it! It's not simple but it's doable.
It's not enough that you can plop the seed into the ground alot of the time. Ultimately, you should learn how to save your seed and grow from seed. I still haven't accomplished the saving seed part of the process. I have a very long way to go. One of these days it will probably be more difficult to purchase the seed due to the expense of shipping it. You also want to try the heirloom varieties, too, if you can because I believe it's more difficult if not impossible to get viable seed from some of the new hybrids and genetically modified types after the second generation or so. Someone may correct me on that if not. Anyway, it's a whole different and lengthy subject on its own.
On my sidebar under "Food & Garden", I've added to the list a number of seed companies I've bought seed and other things from. I'm not affiliated with any of these companies.
That said, I've been the happiest with Johnny's because they have nice detailed instructions on the seed packaging. Good success with their seeds.
I bought my asparagus and jerusalem artichokes from Gurney's (here in Indiana) but I was upset because they couldn't send me any elderberries last spring. One of my blueberry bushes I bought from there has died but that may be my fault.
Pinetree also has some nice directions on the seed packages.
Baker's Creek gave me great seeds but there are/were no instructions on the packet on how to plant, so it I had to go and look it up. P-I-A.
All the rest were pretty good about instructions. I had good success with starting almost everything according to instructions but later I might have slacked off and caused some things to die due to neglect. My fault. I probably tried to start too much at once for the first time. I was a little overly enthusiastic to say the least. I even started a garden journal (which is smart and someone told me to do) but I tuckered out on that after awhile. It was all so new and overwhelming doing it on my own. I'm going to try harder this next planting season.
So if you're new to gardening, give these links a glance. They've been referred to me by some really experienced gardeners. I would also add that it might be best to order from those companies close to where you live because they might carry more selections that are more suitable to your climate. Not always, but I try to follow that as a rule. If they're located north of me then I pretty well figure their seeds could survive in my climate. Somebody also told me these things.
Happy browsing!
Tuesday, December 20, 2005
Monday, December 19, 2005
Why Oil Shale Won't Work
DenverPost.com - OPINION
Although Shell's method avoids the need to mine shale, it requires a mind-boggling amount of electricity. To produce 100,000 barrels per day, the company would need to construct the largest power plant in Colorado history. Costing about $3 billion, it would consume 5 million tons of coal each year, producing 10 million tons of greenhouse gases. (The company's annual electric bill would be about $500 million.) To double production, you'd need two power plants. One million barrels a day would require 10 new power plants, five new coal mines. And 10 million barrels a day, as proposed by some, would necessitate 100 power plants.
How soon will we know whether Shell's technology is economic? The company plans to do more experiments, before making a final decision by 2010. If it pulls the trigger, it would be at least three or four years before the first oil would flow, perhaps at a rate of 10,000 barrels a day. That's less than one-tenth of 1 percent of current U.S. consumption. But if it turns out that Shell needs more energy to produce a barrel of oil than a barrel contains, bets are off. That's the equivalent of burning the furniture to keep the house warm. Energy is the original currency; electricity its most valuable form. Using coal-fired electricity to wring oil out of rocks is like feeding steak to the dog and eating his Alpo.....
...What contribution can oil shale make to energy security? Producing 100,000 barrels per day of shale oil does not violate the laws of physics. But the nation currently consumes that much oil every seven minutes.....
Although Shell's method avoids the need to mine shale, it requires a mind-boggling amount of electricity. To produce 100,000 barrels per day, the company would need to construct the largest power plant in Colorado history. Costing about $3 billion, it would consume 5 million tons of coal each year, producing 10 million tons of greenhouse gases. (The company's annual electric bill would be about $500 million.) To double production, you'd need two power plants. One million barrels a day would require 10 new power plants, five new coal mines. And 10 million barrels a day, as proposed by some, would necessitate 100 power plants.
How soon will we know whether Shell's technology is economic? The company plans to do more experiments, before making a final decision by 2010. If it pulls the trigger, it would be at least three or four years before the first oil would flow, perhaps at a rate of 10,000 barrels a day. That's less than one-tenth of 1 percent of current U.S. consumption. But if it turns out that Shell needs more energy to produce a barrel of oil than a barrel contains, bets are off. That's the equivalent of burning the furniture to keep the house warm. Energy is the original currency; electricity its most valuable form. Using coal-fired electricity to wring oil out of rocks is like feeding steak to the dog and eating his Alpo.....
...What contribution can oil shale make to energy security? Producing 100,000 barrels per day of shale oil does not violate the laws of physics. But the nation currently consumes that much oil every seven minutes.....
Bloomberg.com: Goldman's Murti Says 'Peak Oil' Risks Sending Prices Above $105
Oil-producing nations are seeking to extend the life of their reserves. Norway, which ranks behind Saudi Arabia and Russia in world oil exports, forecasts its production will peak in 2008. Oil and Energy Minister Odd Roger Enoksen in a Dec. 8 interview said he thinks it will come later.
``We had thought we would very quickly see a strong drop in oil production, but now we expect to keep it at a plateau for longer,'' he said.
The biggest questions center around Saudi Arabia, the world's largest oil exporter. The most vocal skeptic of Saudi Arabia is Matthew Simmons, chairman of energy investment bank Simmons & Co. He's author of ``Twilight in the Desert: The Coming Saudi Oil Shock and the World Economy,'' in which he argues that fields are about to decline because water injection has damaged reservoirs.
I understand that in an economist's or consumer's mind, a plateau on the peak would be a good thing. However, when you visualize our current (or higher) rate of consumption and dependency in relation to what the population will grow to in 10 years....that is quite a scary scenario. This will make the crash all that much harder. Sigh. I realize the plummet will be inevitable sooner or later. If this plateau is reality, we have maybe 10-20 years to get switched over to a different way of living. Sounds like it could happen but not likely. Nevertheless, the earth's carrying capacity without fossil fuel inputs is approximately 1.5 billion. We now carry 6 billion. Therw will be alot more people than that in 10 years.
People also talk about demand destruction curbing the peak to a later date. What will this solve? The only thing it might do is give us some time to switch to renewables. Will we really do this? If we don't, we are in for some VERY difficult times.
Oil-producing nations are seeking to extend the life of their reserves. Norway, which ranks behind Saudi Arabia and Russia in world oil exports, forecasts its production will peak in 2008. Oil and Energy Minister Odd Roger Enoksen in a Dec. 8 interview said he thinks it will come later.
``We had thought we would very quickly see a strong drop in oil production, but now we expect to keep it at a plateau for longer,'' he said.
The biggest questions center around Saudi Arabia, the world's largest oil exporter. The most vocal skeptic of Saudi Arabia is Matthew Simmons, chairman of energy investment bank Simmons & Co. He's author of ``Twilight in the Desert: The Coming Saudi Oil Shock and the World Economy,'' in which he argues that fields are about to decline because water injection has damaged reservoirs.
I understand that in an economist's or consumer's mind, a plateau on the peak would be a good thing. However, when you visualize our current (or higher) rate of consumption and dependency in relation to what the population will grow to in 10 years....that is quite a scary scenario. This will make the crash all that much harder. Sigh. I realize the plummet will be inevitable sooner or later. If this plateau is reality, we have maybe 10-20 years to get switched over to a different way of living. Sounds like it could happen but not likely. Nevertheless, the earth's carrying capacity without fossil fuel inputs is approximately 1.5 billion. We now carry 6 billion. Therw will be alot more people than that in 10 years.
People also talk about demand destruction curbing the peak to a later date. What will this solve? The only thing it might do is give us some time to switch to renewables. Will we really do this? If we don't, we are in for some VERY difficult times.
Friday, December 16, 2005
Petrodollar Warfare Oil, Iraq and the Future of the Dollar
I agree with this:
GABRIOLA ISLAND, BC, Canada, December 15, 2005 --/WORLD-WIRE/-- The invasion of Iraq may well be remembered as the first oil currency war. Far from being a response to 9-11 terrorism or Iraq's alleged weapons of mass destruction, William R. Clark's new book, Petrodollar Warfare Oil, Iraq and the Future of the Dollar, argues that the invasion was precipitated by two converging phenomena: the imminent peak in global oil production, and the ascendance of the euro currency.
But I don't agree with this statement in the article:
He recommends the multilateral pursuit of both energy and monetary reforms within a United Nations framework to create a more balanced global energy and monetary system - thereby reducing the possibility of future oil depletion and oil currency-related warfare.
Now I'll interject some of my religious beliefs into the peak oil story. I don't want a global monetary system. I would rather have smaller, more locally controlled economies. I'm one of those one world order nuts who doesn't like the idea of a global monetary system. That leads into the possibility of having to exchange or trade with this currency only. I don't like that idea. This is probably why I like the ideas coming from the left libertarians and anarchists. What good will a global monetary system be if it will be more difficult to transport goods and services from afar? I just don't see the reasoning between having a lower energy world and a global monetary system. No way.
I love Richard Heinberg in all aspects, however, I don't totally agree with his idea of maintaining this particular globalist point of view.
I agree with this:
GABRIOLA ISLAND, BC, Canada, December 15, 2005 --/WORLD-WIRE/-- The invasion of Iraq may well be remembered as the first oil currency war. Far from being a response to 9-11 terrorism or Iraq's alleged weapons of mass destruction, William R. Clark's new book, Petrodollar Warfare Oil, Iraq and the Future of the Dollar, argues that the invasion was precipitated by two converging phenomena: the imminent peak in global oil production, and the ascendance of the euro currency.
But I don't agree with this statement in the article:
He recommends the multilateral pursuit of both energy and monetary reforms within a United Nations framework to create a more balanced global energy and monetary system - thereby reducing the possibility of future oil depletion and oil currency-related warfare.
Now I'll interject some of my religious beliefs into the peak oil story. I don't want a global monetary system. I would rather have smaller, more locally controlled economies. I'm one of those one world order nuts who doesn't like the idea of a global monetary system. That leads into the possibility of having to exchange or trade with this currency only. I don't like that idea. This is probably why I like the ideas coming from the left libertarians and anarchists. What good will a global monetary system be if it will be more difficult to transport goods and services from afar? I just don't see the reasoning between having a lower energy world and a global monetary system. No way.
I love Richard Heinberg in all aspects, however, I don't totally agree with his idea of maintaining this particular globalist point of view.
Bliss: Climate Change Expert's New Book On Oil Depletion
Though most theorists and activists concerned with oil descent acknowledge the importance of climate change, the reverse is not always true. “Environmentalists have had a tendency to downplay or ignore oil depletion, and still do,” Leggett writes. “This may be due to a lack of the geological knowledge needed to appreciate the power of the argument. I have also heard the view from environmentalists that the issue is too depressing.....
....Leggett concludes by making his “most important point of all” -- “There is much that people can do to influence the outcome of this struggle to increase renewables production faster than coal, hence to ameliorate the worse excesses of the global energy crisis, and to create a better society in the process.” Among the measures that Peak Oil activists point to as helpful in developing post-carbon societies are to conserve energy, be more efficient in its use, and re-localize.
Though most theorists and activists concerned with oil descent acknowledge the importance of climate change, the reverse is not always true. “Environmentalists have had a tendency to downplay or ignore oil depletion, and still do,” Leggett writes. “This may be due to a lack of the geological knowledge needed to appreciate the power of the argument. I have also heard the view from environmentalists that the issue is too depressing.....
....Leggett concludes by making his “most important point of all” -- “There is much that people can do to influence the outcome of this struggle to increase renewables production faster than coal, hence to ameliorate the worse excesses of the global energy crisis, and to create a better society in the process.” Among the measures that Peak Oil activists point to as helpful in developing post-carbon societies are to conserve energy, be more efficient in its use, and re-localize.
Wednesday, December 14, 2005
The Congress Meets Peak Oil: Falls Church News-Press
Falls Church News-Press
I think everyone who is aware of peak oil should contact their representatives in the next 24 hours and let them know you support this newly formed Peak Oil Caucus. In fact, we should also ask our representatives to become members of this Caucus.
I think everyone who is aware of peak oil should contact their representatives in the next 24 hours and let them know you support this newly formed Peak Oil Caucus. In fact, we should also ask our representatives to become members of this Caucus.
Bill Gates bets $84M on ethanol
CNN Money
I guess it a sign of the times. Personally, I'd rather EAT than use the land around me for transportation fuel. I wonder which environmentalists they're talking about?
"It really differentiated us from the pack," Koehler said. Gates' investment firm, Cascade Investment, agreed last month to buy 5.25 million preferred shares in Pacific Ethanol, a producer of the corn-based fuel hailed by environmentalists as an answer to the earth's dwindling supply of petroleum.
...I suppose Koehler would say this:
"It's a common fact, we are running out of oil and there is only one commercially-viable liquid fuel alternative," Koehler said.
since he's the owner of the company. I say, ssshhure we can replace oil solely with ethanol at our current consumption rates...not! What about the petroleum inputs that go into the corn growing and then the processing? The equipment would have to run on ethanol, too, not anything petroleum based, right? What about the tires and the the material the equipment is made from? Can they make these items out of ethanol, too?
I guess it a sign of the times. Personally, I'd rather EAT than use the land around me for transportation fuel. I wonder which environmentalists they're talking about?
"It really differentiated us from the pack," Koehler said. Gates' investment firm, Cascade Investment, agreed last month to buy 5.25 million preferred shares in Pacific Ethanol, a producer of the corn-based fuel hailed by environmentalists as an answer to the earth's dwindling supply of petroleum.
...I suppose Koehler would say this:
"It's a common fact, we are running out of oil and there is only one commercially-viable liquid fuel alternative," Koehler said.
since he's the owner of the company. I say, ssshhure we can replace oil solely with ethanol at our current consumption rates...not! What about the petroleum inputs that go into the corn growing and then the processing? The equipment would have to run on ethanol, too, not anything petroleum based, right? What about the tires and the the material the equipment is made from? Can they make these items out of ethanol, too?
Druidry and the Future (a Druid takes on peak oil)
An Open Letter to the Druid Community
Wow. Even the Druids are taking up peak oil. Hat tip to Aaron on ROE2.
Wow. Even the Druids are taking up peak oil. Hat tip to Aaron on ROE2.
Elizaphanian: Misplacing the Apocalypse
Elizaphanian: Misplacing the Apocalypse
In my profile I tell all I'm a born-again Christian. Where is all of my commentary on peak oil from a Christian perspective, you ask? Well, Olwe's 'Edenism' of which I posted when this blog was born about summed it all up for me. I've spent a good 20 years learning, searching, and finding myself spiritually. Although there is always room to grow, I think my foundation is pretty well solidified and I have no need to proselytize to others about my own spirituality on a regular basis like I did when I was new to the faith. I've learned over the years to spread faith more by appropriate actions rather than by words alone. That's probably why you don't read much from me about the relationship between my faith and peak oil.
....but every now and then, I run across what others have to say about this relationship, and their opinions are always of interest to me. This blogger that I've posted this link to in the title is a priest from the UK. He has only known about peak oil for a month or two. I'm sure we'll see some interesting blog entries from him in the future.
In my profile I tell all I'm a born-again Christian. Where is all of my commentary on peak oil from a Christian perspective, you ask? Well, Olwe's 'Edenism' of which I posted when this blog was born about summed it all up for me. I've spent a good 20 years learning, searching, and finding myself spiritually. Although there is always room to grow, I think my foundation is pretty well solidified and I have no need to proselytize to others about my own spirituality on a regular basis like I did when I was new to the faith. I've learned over the years to spread faith more by appropriate actions rather than by words alone. That's probably why you don't read much from me about the relationship between my faith and peak oil.
....but every now and then, I run across what others have to say about this relationship, and their opinions are always of interest to me. This blogger that I've posted this link to in the title is a priest from the UK. He has only known about peak oil for a month or two. I'm sure we'll see some interesting blog entries from him in the future.
Tuesday, December 13, 2005
Goldman Sachs analysts see oil prices in "super-spike" phase
CNN Money
"With WTI oil prices on-track to average about $57 a barrel in 2005, we think the past phase will be remembered as the first of what could be a four-to-five-year 'super-spike' phase," their report said.
peaknik note: In a couple of years, I can visualize Goldman Sachs stating that we will be going through a "super, SUPER-spike phase" from about 2010 to, uh, maybe forever???
The analysts said oil demand remained resilient and supply growth lackluster, prompting them to keep their average U.S. crude price forecast for next year unchanged at $68 a barrel.
"Ultimately, we agree that the energy bull market will roll over once demand destruction really begins," it said. "We simply do not believe we have arrived at that point."
peaknik note: Oh, so I guess this means the price will only go down when people can't afford it anymore? Do I have that correct?
"With WTI oil prices on-track to average about $57 a barrel in 2005, we think the past phase will be remembered as the first of what could be a four-to-five-year 'super-spike' phase," their report said.
peaknik note: In a couple of years, I can visualize Goldman Sachs stating that we will be going through a "super, SUPER-spike phase" from about 2010 to, uh, maybe forever???
The analysts said oil demand remained resilient and supply growth lackluster, prompting them to keep their average U.S. crude price forecast for next year unchanged at $68 a barrel.
"Ultimately, we agree that the energy bull market will roll over once demand destruction really begins," it said. "We simply do not believe we have arrived at that point."
peaknik note: Oh, so I guess this means the price will only go down when people can't afford it anymore? Do I have that correct?
ConocoPhillips to acquire Burlington Resources for $35.6B - Dec. 13, 2005
CNN Money
Okay. This is amusing but yet it's not. Most of us in the peak oil groups know that natural gas will deplete faster than oil will and that natural gas has already peaked in North America. With that said, has anyone seen ConocoPhillips' new commercial that airs daily on the news and financial channels? They tout that natural gas is the answer! Who are they trying to kid? Actually, I believe they're not trying to kid the investors because as natural gas becomes a coveted scarcer resource, the value of the shares will go up, up, up. It's the answer for investors, not for the average Jane's and Joe's on the street. We will be paying out the "ying-yang" for this resource. They are teasing the average Joe and Jane who knows no different. Maybe I'm wrong. It's just a hunch.
If you have any investment money (which I don't, of course), I would say to buy some shares. I would also quit using natural gas and convert to another form of energy because it will be too expensive after a certain point. It may be next year or it may be 10 years from now but it's going to happen. Then comes the demand destruction. You will know that it's time when you hear people say they can't afford NG anymore and are switching their appliances before they need them replaced. Right then, as or before demand destruction takes place, will be when it's time to sell your shares.
Okay. This is amusing but yet it's not. Most of us in the peak oil groups know that natural gas will deplete faster than oil will and that natural gas has already peaked in North America. With that said, has anyone seen ConocoPhillips' new commercial that airs daily on the news and financial channels? They tout that natural gas is the answer! Who are they trying to kid? Actually, I believe they're not trying to kid the investors because as natural gas becomes a coveted scarcer resource, the value of the shares will go up, up, up. It's the answer for investors, not for the average Jane's and Joe's on the street. We will be paying out the "ying-yang" for this resource. They are teasing the average Joe and Jane who knows no different. Maybe I'm wrong. It's just a hunch.
If you have any investment money (which I don't, of course), I would say to buy some shares. I would also quit using natural gas and convert to another form of energy because it will be too expensive after a certain point. It may be next year or it may be 10 years from now but it's going to happen. Then comes the demand destruction. You will know that it's time when you hear people say they can't afford NG anymore and are switching their appliances before they need them replaced. Right then, as or before demand destruction takes place, will be when it's time to sell your shares.
Oil shale
cnn money
This article claims oil from shale could be made for $30/barrel?? Hmm. The article doesn't say how much oil & gas could be obtained either. The development is always "several years away", too. I'm a little tired of hearing that line. I have a feeling CNN Money doesn't delve so deep into these issues.
This article claims oil from shale could be made for $30/barrel?? Hmm. The article doesn't say how much oil & gas could be obtained either. The development is always "several years away", too. I'm a little tired of hearing that line. I have a feeling CNN Money doesn't delve so deep into these issues.
Thursday, December 08, 2005
Venezuela delivers energy 'aid' to New York poor
cnn money
I know I've blogged about this before. But this is quite an interesting story to me. I really am intrigued as to Chavez' motives. It's a very nice gesture toward the American poor whether the motive is good or bad. I liked the response of the Congressman, Rep. Jose Serrano, when criticized of the arrangements though"
"To those folks who say that this is a way for Hugo Chavez to score political points, I invite every American corporation that wants to score points with my community, to start scoring points this afternoon," he said.
I thought that was a very witty response. Good question: where ARE these corporations who are supposed to represent that ethical and moral personhood we so often hear about?
I know I've blogged about this before. But this is quite an interesting story to me. I really am intrigued as to Chavez' motives. It's a very nice gesture toward the American poor whether the motive is good or bad. I liked the response of the Congressman, Rep. Jose Serrano, when criticized of the arrangements though"
"To those folks who say that this is a way for Hugo Chavez to score political points, I invite every American corporation that wants to score points with my community, to start scoring points this afternoon," he said.
I thought that was a very witty response. Good question: where ARE these corporations who are supposed to represent that ethical and moral personhood we so often hear about?
Wednesday, December 07, 2005
Peak oil fringe group gains Congressional attention
cnn money
A House energy subcommittee met Wednesday morning to learn more about the so-called peak oil movement, which says that by 2008 humans will have extracted half of the earth's oil. In other words, we're using oil faster than we can ever hope to find it.....more at link above.
"We have all been enjoying the greatest party the world has ever seen: the great oil party," according to Kjell Aleklett, president of the Association for the Study of Peak Oil (ASPO) and a physics professor at Uppsala University in Sweden.
Aleklett, who testified at the hearing, said in a paper last year, "After the climax comes the decline, when we have to sober up and face the fact that the party is coming to an end."
The hangover would mean not only the end of low oil prices, but also a slowdown in world economic growth. It could also lead to social and political unrest, as many countries try to keep the party going even as oil disappears.
Noted witnesses at the Subcommittee on Energy and Air Quality also include Robert Hirsch, senior energy program advisor at Science Applications International Corporation, and Robert Esser, a director and senior consultant at Cambridge Energy Research Associates;
Tuesday, December 06, 2005
Peak Oil hits the hill | Gristmill: The environmental news blog | Grist Magazine
Grist Magazine
Peak oil goes to Washington! This might be interesting. I'll watch it while cleaning in the morning!
Peak oil goes to Washington! This might be interesting. I'll watch it while cleaning in the morning!
Sunday, December 04, 2005
I Found a Locally Produced Product!....& Bad News for Cantarell
Yesterday, I went shopping at my newly-found organic health food store called Judy's Goodlife Emporium (don't know if she has a website or not). I found a wonderful product made locally and also hand-made! They even have a website anybody can order from! Here it is Water's Edge Natural Soap
I was able to buy locally, eco-friendly, and still satisfy my friends who don't understand my new love of eco/peak oil-friendly ways. This soapmaker had made up some gift items for sale in the health food store. One was a teacup and saucer wrapped up with echinacea tea, 1 bar sniffles soap, 1 bar tea tree Soap, Lip Balm & No Cracks Balm. It's called "Winter Soother". The other gift set I bought was called "Swan Song" which includes a swan-shaped soap dish with handcrafted patchouli soap & milk bath. These are things we women like! One will go to a friend and the other will go for a Christmas gift exchange.
While I was browsing through this store, I also found this product called "Tired Old Ass Soak"! It's a biodegradable and eco-friendly aromatherapeutic mineral bath. Here is the site so you can read about it for yourself: Little Moon Essentials. It's powerfully smelling and contains the essential oils of rosemary and eucalyptus among others. It was a riot when I found out about it and I'm going to give it as a boobie prize to the oldest nurse at my Christmas party!
I still have a couple more gifts to buy and I think I'm going back to my local store and continue to buy these original little things that nobody probably cares to find as most people are probably all at the grand WalMart or other big box stores.
If I ever get my batteries on my camera running again (charger isn't working) I'll take a picture of my gift items.
Oh, by the way, I'm still following peak oil. Things don't sound good regarding the Cantarell fields in Mexico. I think I read about it from
oilcast.com. Looks like the top link right now, for listening, I mean!
Gotta run! My 97-year-old grandpa wants me to check out and compare return rates on Notes from the automakers online. His GM, Ford, & Chrysler Notes aren't getting as good of a return for him. I'm going to check out the return on Notes for Toyota, Honda, Isuzu-Subaru for him. Looks like he might even switch to CDs. Between his experience and my knowledge of peak oil, we might be able to keep some assets afloat. He won't take anything out of the market completely and he won't buy silver or any of that. Our question is should he keep ahold of those Notes from GM and Ford and take the risk of a possible bankruptsy and then hope for a split stock (which often comes out good) or trade into something else??? Hmmm. Some of his stock is from the 1920s!! Oh well, I'll see what I can find out.
I was able to buy locally, eco-friendly, and still satisfy my friends who don't understand my new love of eco/peak oil-friendly ways. This soapmaker had made up some gift items for sale in the health food store. One was a teacup and saucer wrapped up with echinacea tea, 1 bar sniffles soap, 1 bar tea tree Soap, Lip Balm & No Cracks Balm. It's called "Winter Soother". The other gift set I bought was called "Swan Song" which includes a swan-shaped soap dish with handcrafted patchouli soap & milk bath. These are things we women like! One will go to a friend and the other will go for a Christmas gift exchange.
While I was browsing through this store, I also found this product called "Tired Old Ass Soak"! It's a biodegradable and eco-friendly aromatherapeutic mineral bath. Here is the site so you can read about it for yourself: Little Moon Essentials. It's powerfully smelling and contains the essential oils of rosemary and eucalyptus among others. It was a riot when I found out about it and I'm going to give it as a boobie prize to the oldest nurse at my Christmas party!
I still have a couple more gifts to buy and I think I'm going back to my local store and continue to buy these original little things that nobody probably cares to find as most people are probably all at the grand WalMart or other big box stores.
If I ever get my batteries on my camera running again (charger isn't working) I'll take a picture of my gift items.
Oh, by the way, I'm still following peak oil. Things don't sound good regarding the Cantarell fields in Mexico. I think I read about it from
oilcast.com. Looks like the top link right now, for listening, I mean!
Gotta run! My 97-year-old grandpa wants me to check out and compare return rates on Notes from the automakers online. His GM, Ford, & Chrysler Notes aren't getting as good of a return for him. I'm going to check out the return on Notes for Toyota, Honda, Isuzu-Subaru for him. Looks like he might even switch to CDs. Between his experience and my knowledge of peak oil, we might be able to keep some assets afloat. He won't take anything out of the market completely and he won't buy silver or any of that. Our question is should he keep ahold of those Notes from GM and Ford and take the risk of a possible bankruptsy and then hope for a split stock (which often comes out good) or trade into something else??? Hmmm. Some of his stock is from the 1920s!! Oh well, I'll see what I can find out.
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