Falls Church News-Press
Here's another one I'm just getting to from Thursday.
peak oil
For those who believe mankind needs to re-evaluate and change the roles each one of us plays in our ecosystem of finite resources, to redirect our impact on future generations and their ways of life.
Sunday, July 31, 2005
The Pennsylvania Renewable Energy Festival

All lectures,exhibitors, and demos will be included with admittance fee.
Some workshops will have sign-up requirements and fees which will be posted the beginning of August on this web-site in the "speakers & workshops page".
If you've ever dreamed of powering your home or business from solar or wind energy, don't miss this opportunity to learn how to make your dream a reality !
Join us for our 1st annual Renewable Energy and Sustainable Living Festival September 23-24, 2005. This is the first event in the northeastern United States to learn about renewable energy, energy efficiency, and sustainable living.
A two-day festival about renewable energy, natural building construction, sustainable agriculture, land-use planning, forestry and healthy living practices in general. Features dynamic speakers, national exhibitors, workshops, hands-on demonstrations, vendors, live music and entertainment, children's activities, food and more.
The Festival offers:
Workshops presented by experts from across the US
Working demonstrations of renewable energy and energy efficiency technologies
Products that help consumers save money, save energy, and protect the environment
Special workshops and entertainment for children and families
Learn about sustainable agriculture: economically viable, environmentally sound, socially just, and humane
A friendly festival atmosphere.
peak oil
Saturday, July 30, 2005
Where Is the Hirsch Report? - Global Public Media
Global Public Media
Quoted exerpt:
"Here, then, is a significant report produced by an independent research company for the US Department of Energy, warning of a global problem of "unprecedented" proportions with economic, social, and political impacts that are likely to be extremely severe. The authors forecast "protracted economic hardship" for the United States and the rest of the world. It is a problem that deserves "immediate, serious attention."
Yet, half a year after its release, the Hirsch report is nowhere to be found. For several months it was archived, in PDF format, on a high school web site (www.hilltoplancers.org, Hilltop High School in Chula Vista, Calif.). On July 7 the report disappeared from that site. The Atlantic Council (www.acus.org) is considering publishing the Hirsch report; however there is no projected date of release. When contacted, Dr. Hirsch replied that the document is "a public report, paid for and released by DOE NETL, and that it therefore could be reposted at will."
Project Censored is therefore posting the report in full at: www.projectcensored.org
peak oil
Quoted exerpt:
"Here, then, is a significant report produced by an independent research company for the US Department of Energy, warning of a global problem of "unprecedented" proportions with economic, social, and political impacts that are likely to be extremely severe. The authors forecast "protracted economic hardship" for the United States and the rest of the world. It is a problem that deserves "immediate, serious attention."
Yet, half a year after its release, the Hirsch report is nowhere to be found. For several months it was archived, in PDF format, on a high school web site (www.hilltoplancers.org, Hilltop High School in Chula Vista, Calif.). On July 7 the report disappeared from that site. The Atlantic Council (www.acus.org) is considering publishing the Hirsch report; however there is no projected date of release. When contacted, Dr. Hirsch replied that the document is "a public report, paid for and released by DOE NETL, and that it therefore could be reposted at will."
Project Censored is therefore posting the report in full at: www.projectcensored.org
peak oil
Crude Oil Rises as BP Refinery Blast Increases Supply Concern
Bloomberg.com: U.S.
(knock, knock, knock.) Hello? Would someone please tell Bloomberg to add a little information for the public about how winter heating is really going to cause a spike in demand? Just kidding, I think they have in other articles. But tell me, do they count heating oil in the economic growth ratings??
Regular gas reached $2.30 in my city yesterday. It had been hovering at $2.15-$2.20 for a few weeks. How are the prices in your area?
peak oil
(knock, knock, knock.) Hello? Would someone please tell Bloomberg to add a little information for the public about how winter heating is really going to cause a spike in demand? Just kidding, I think they have in other articles. But tell me, do they count heating oil in the economic growth ratings??
Regular gas reached $2.30 in my city yesterday. It had been hovering at $2.15-$2.20 for a few weeks. How are the prices in your area?
peak oil
Friday, July 29, 2005
Oil & Oprah

I sat and watched some TV today for the first time in awhile. The "Oprah" show caught my eye because it was about women in their 30s in 17 different countries and how they viewed life and how they viewed America. The women that were actually in the studio came from Qatar, Mexico, Iraq & Rwanda.
As you can imagine, the outlook from the women in Qatar & Mexico was much brighter than the women from Iraq & Rwanda.
The woman from Qatar spoke of how good the women and the people of the country had it. The country pays no taxes and has the best free health care. They also receive a gift of approximately $12,000 for every wedding, however, they must marry a cousin. College is also free for all in Quatar.
The woman from Mexico also focused on her riches and how a woman in Mexico must dress in order to keep a mate because infidelity is so high. A Mexican woman can also be blamed for causing the mate to stray and if a divorce comes about, she may not receive any support if she is found to be the "cause" for the infidelity. Yet, she was still very happy.
Then there was a spot on a woman living in war torn Iraq and how she stated the women were less free than ever before, and how many are addicted to Valium or other drugs to numb the horrors of what has happened to their lives. Her father and brother were both killed. She hoisted a gun of which she never thought she'd ever have to learn how to use. She spoke of not having enough electricity or any other form of power as commonplace. Women can no longer go out in freedom, and frequently they now have to stay inside for days on end.
Finally, there was a hearbreaking story about a woman from Rwanda. She was around 20 or so during the genocides that occured and she witnessed her family being murdered and she was raped continuously until the killers were so exhausted they left her there miraculously. She now has a child from that incident and takes care of him and two other orphans from the massacre.
What does all of this have to do with oil, you ask? Maybe you've already figured out what led me to think about oil. Although, Iraq is oil-rich, it is not in full swing and the country is in shambles since America invaded. But there IS oil in Qatar and also in Mexico. These women live in oil producing countries. I wonder what would happen to their lifestyles if oil declined exponentially over about 30 years? Of course, the Qatar woman probably has enough money to last her a lot of lifetimes because I've read that the most wealthy people in the world (top 10) are in the middle east.
I also saw the facial expressions of the advantaged women when listening to the Iraqi and Rwandan women when they were sitting with Oprah talking about their experiences. It was like the extremely wealthy meeting up with the extremely poor face-to-face. Seemed like such a large contrast. Energy vs. no energy.
Not one of the women understood American women. They tried to be nice about it but you could tell they did not have a favorable opinion in many ways. They all loved Oprah though!
The show just brought up in me some emotions I haven't experienced in awhile. I really fear for how women will be treated as energy declines. Most often, as these situations show, women do not benefit in a society that is in decline or anarchy (not the political meaning but in the literal sense!). The only hope for the positive future of women is for renewable energy to rise up and fill the gap!
p.s. I think the woman in Qatar would just take a crap if the kingdom was taken over over or the whole world switched to renewables!
Thursday, July 28, 2005
The Green Machine That Could Be Detroit - New York Times
New York Times
(hope this links okay)
on edit: Nope. It doesn't. You need registration. Some of you might have registration and can read it, so I'll leave it for now.
(hope this links okay)
on edit: Nope. It doesn't. You need registration. Some of you might have registration and can read it, so I'll leave it for now.
Peaknik's Picture Place
I just created a new blog just for all of my pictures when I have so many to show. My grandpa just gave me his digital camera and I went out and took some today to test it out and then I've been trying all night to create a form of a picture gallery to post. No such luck. Kodak doesn't let me post it to my blog, it only let's me email a slideshow. I can't figure out how else to do it so I just made another blog just for any pictures I may want to show.
Here it is:
Peaknik's Picture Place
The first picture I've posted is of a vacant building in my downtown area that I wish I could buy....my dream of owning a small business with things I can't find around where I live. Go on and take a look!
Later, I'm going to post some pictures I took around town today. They will be showing you where I envision a riverfront boardwalk business district in my downtown area located inbetween where 2 rivers meet. They might be several separate pictures instead of a picture show since I can't seem to figure out how to post one!
Off to the side of this blog, I'll post a link to this picture blog for future reference and easy access.
Here it is:
Peaknik's Picture Place
The first picture I've posted is of a vacant building in my downtown area that I wish I could buy....my dream of owning a small business with things I can't find around where I live. Go on and take a look!
Later, I'm going to post some pictures I took around town today. They will be showing you where I envision a riverfront boardwalk business district in my downtown area located inbetween where 2 rivers meet. They might be several separate pictures instead of a picture show since I can't seem to figure out how to post one!
Off to the side of this blog, I'll post a link to this picture blog for future reference and easy access.
Wednesday, July 27, 2005
Tuesday, July 26, 2005
Step #1 Complete

I've been working for the past few nights but I've also had some new developments occur in my quest for changing the community around me for the better!
Last night at work I was thinking (dangerous thing for me) about ways to make my community more sustainable. If you've been keeping up with any of my blogging, you'll know that I sent off a letter to my local economic development president about some of my ideas. Well, the other night I came up with some more and shot-off some of my ideas via e-mail to the president again. He responded! He actually likes my ideas and talked about having me come and present my ideas to the Chamber! He also wanted to know whether I'd be interested in running for any local offices!? (I guess you have to be in some offices in order to vote for some changes regarding zoning and building codes, right?) Hope they don't lose interest when they find out I'm a registered Democrat! LOL He said he was going to respond to me in fuller detail later when he had more time.
Anyway, I am really excited that I have this opportunity. I sure hope I do alright.
Saturday, July 23, 2005
Friday, July 22, 2005
Senators want more data on gas additive
I have a solution! Why don't we just cut out gasoline altogether! That would solve the MTBE problem!
I have a solution! Why don't we just cut out gasoline altogether! That would solve the MTBE problem!
Thursday, July 21, 2005
The Peak Oil Crisis: A Bible for Oil Deception
Falls Church News-Press
Wow! This Falls Church News-Press' Tom Whipple really follows peak oil very closely! I like this newspaper! Something I'd like to see more of.
peak oil
Wow! This Falls Church News-Press' Tom Whipple really follows peak oil very closely! I like this newspaper! Something I'd like to see more of.
peak oil
Wednesday, July 20, 2005
Why I love to come home and stare at my yard....

More like caged FROM the rabbits! This was from the first of June. My radishes bolted rather quickly before they grew too big. Broccoli and carrots continue to grow ever so slowly!

Of course, my guard dog is 14 years old, blind and deaf at this point! The rabbits don't mind him!

I decided to go with this type of squash because someone online told me they were good and the name also reminded me of Led Zeppelin! I couldn't resist!

I added a cheap $30 outdoor fireplace. I'm going to place tiles or brick underneath before I burn in it. I'm going to use the ashes for compost material. If nothing else, we'll have something quick & minor for heat if the heating goes off for any time period.

This beautiful picture was before I found out about squash bugs, cucumber beetles, japanese beetles, deer & rabbits.

What happened to those funny looking cucumbers, you say? I don't know. I think I picked them before they were done growing appropriately. Next are peacevine cherry and glacier tomatoes, and chives are cut up in the baggie.
Tuesday, July 19, 2005
Sunday, July 17, 2005
Saturday, July 16, 2005
Peak Oil and the Fate of Humanity
Peak Oil and the Fate of Humanity
You need Powerpoint Reader in order to view this. It's a downloadable .pps online book explaining the basics of peak oil. It's really colorful and animated! I like it! If I can, I would like to download it, copy it, and show it in a presentation somehow, somewhere. This along with "The End of Suburbia" DVD would be good in a series of presentations. I put it in my list of "Peak Oil 101" links for easy access.
peak oil
You need Powerpoint Reader in order to view this. It's a downloadable .pps online book explaining the basics of peak oil. It's really colorful and animated! I like it! If I can, I would like to download it, copy it, and show it in a presentation somehow, somewhere. This along with "The End of Suburbia" DVD would be good in a series of presentations. I put it in my list of "Peak Oil 101" links for easy access.
peak oil
Friday, July 15, 2005
Cobb-rocket oven
Path to Freedom
Take a look at Path to Freedom's materialization of their cobb oven! Truly inspiring. Maybe someday I'll be able to make one of my own. I showed it to my spouse and he thinks it's pretty neat. "O, honey! Look at this neat oven.....maybe we could make one for OUR back yard sometime!" (as the wife plots on....)
Take a look at Path to Freedom's materialization of their cobb oven! Truly inspiring. Maybe someday I'll be able to make one of my own. I showed it to my spouse and he thinks it's pretty neat. "O, honey! Look at this neat oven.....maybe we could make one for OUR back yard sometime!" (as the wife plots on....)
Thursday, July 14, 2005
Christian Environmentalism
Here it is. I've found my soul site! The home page of this site is a new link I've posted under my "sustainables & alternatives" links. Someone on ROE2 had posted this site awhile ago but I had forgotten all about it until it was posted again today. Smokytopia is an area where a group of people are documenting progress on their attempts at sustainability. Check it out if you haven't!
peak oil
Here it is. I've found my soul site! The home page of this site is a new link I've posted under my "sustainables & alternatives" links. Someone on ROE2 had posted this site awhile ago but I had forgotten all about it until it was posted again today. Smokytopia is an area where a group of people are documenting progress on their attempts at sustainability. Check it out if you haven't!
peak oil
Planting Seeds & Spreading the Word
These past 2 days have been productive in planting seeds and spreading the word about energy depletion and the related measures surrounding the subject.
Lastnight, I handed over my 2nd copy of Richard Heinberg's "The Party's Over" to one of my daughter's friends to give to their AP Environmental Science class teacher who is teaching this class to them over the summer. He seems very privy to the issues and I thought this might be the right person to give the book to. Maybe he will actually read it, as opposed to others, and maybe he already knows about the situation anyway. Anyhow, I felt led to pass it on to him. My daughter probably wouldn't have given it to him due to feeling stupid about it so I asked one of her friend's to do it for me---she almost couldn't refuse me! LOL This book should be required reading for all high school students, IMO (even though it'll never happen).
Today, I made a stop at my local Economic Development headquarters and introduced myself to the "leader" for a few minutes. I had mailed the letter I posted a few days ago lastnight and he hadn't received it yet. I told him I've become more civic-minded and offered any help I could give towards helping with local economic development. I'll have to wait and see how this "develops".
A few hours ago, I stopped by my local farmer's market. There were 5 vendors there. I spoke with all of them for a great deal of time and got to know them a little. I told them about my idea for a CSA group. They were interested. Most of them were fairly small gardners for CSA development, though. I'm going to have to do some more research but at least I feel I've opened some doors and established some communication and started some trust. I bought something off of each one of them.

Now this sounds totally "green" of me but I'm trying some new veggies tonight of which I bought from the farmer's market! Tonight, I will cook some pumpkin blossoms, some zucchini, kohlrabi, and turnips! Believe it or not, I've never tried any of them before! I thought I'd test-taste them before I try and grow them! I think the local vendors thought I was funny asking them how to cook and eat these seemingly amazing new foods for me!
Lastnight, I handed over my 2nd copy of Richard Heinberg's "The Party's Over" to one of my daughter's friends to give to their AP Environmental Science class teacher who is teaching this class to them over the summer. He seems very privy to the issues and I thought this might be the right person to give the book to. Maybe he will actually read it, as opposed to others, and maybe he already knows about the situation anyway. Anyhow, I felt led to pass it on to him. My daughter probably wouldn't have given it to him due to feeling stupid about it so I asked one of her friend's to do it for me---she almost couldn't refuse me! LOL This book should be required reading for all high school students, IMO (even though it'll never happen).
Today, I made a stop at my local Economic Development headquarters and introduced myself to the "leader" for a few minutes. I had mailed the letter I posted a few days ago lastnight and he hadn't received it yet. I told him I've become more civic-minded and offered any help I could give towards helping with local economic development. I'll have to wait and see how this "develops".
A few hours ago, I stopped by my local farmer's market. There were 5 vendors there. I spoke with all of them for a great deal of time and got to know them a little. I told them about my idea for a CSA group. They were interested. Most of them were fairly small gardners for CSA development, though. I'm going to have to do some more research but at least I feel I've opened some doors and established some communication and started some trust. I bought something off of each one of them.

Now this sounds totally "green" of me but I'm trying some new veggies tonight of which I bought from the farmer's market! Tonight, I will cook some pumpkin blossoms, some zucchini, kohlrabi, and turnips! Believe it or not, I've never tried any of them before! I thought I'd test-taste them before I try and grow them! I think the local vendors thought I was funny asking them how to cook and eat these seemingly amazing new foods for me!
"Raw" garbage....er, i mean energy

How appropriate and such good timing! Recently, I went out and tried to take a picture of my local landfill. This isn't the best picture but it's the best I can do. From certain views from around my flat city-in-the-valley, a heap of trash emerges as what looks like a mountain. Ironically,Big Gav at Peak Energy posted a related article that had a link from treehugger about making gas from the methane trapped in landfills.
I remember my newspaper reporting on this concept and it's possibility for our landfill awhile back but I haven't heard of any further development. I wonder how things are coming along.... Meanwhile, the "mountain" keeps growing and growing and growing.
Wednesday, July 13, 2005
"Sole"ar Home
Tuesday, July 12, 2005
Guns Germs & Steel . The Show

Jared Diamond's book (the one who also wrote "Collapse"). Check for your local listings by typing in your zip code.
Sunday, July 10, 2005
Well, I just wanted to apologize for not posting much in the last week or so. Lots of things going on as is with everyone, I suppose. This weekend I've been working on replacing my fence. We've got the poles up on one side but it's been harder work with the hot weather so we've been taking lots of breaks! Today we'll finish putting up the sections onto the poles. The last side of fencing will have to wait until we have more time and it's not so hot. This involves post hole digging, lifting 80 pound cement bags, and sawing off 10 foot 4x4's. This will finally keep the deer out and away from my garden (six foot privacy fence).
I also spent 2 nights at a 4-H Fair booth for my local political party. Our prize drawing was for a $50 and $25 gas card! Lots of applicants. The other party's drawing was for a flag. I don't know how they did. on edit: Like I've said before, neither party nor the general public really understands what we're up against. If either party really was, the drawing prizes would've been more like energy efficient lights or something solar, etc! LOL
I tried my best to make energy a topic of discussion and continued planting seeds. One discussion I had was with someone who claimed they were a liberal Republican. The hot topic in our town is expansion of a runway for our small airport which would require buy-out of some farmland and a closure of a historical road. This woman was in favor of expansion even though she was a resident who would be affected by the expansion. Her point was one I hadn't thought about. I brought up the point that with the high cost in energy prices, not many large businesses would want to locate in our small town and wouldn't use the small airport. She suggested that with higher energy prices, more businesses would be spending more money on smaller, private aircraft that would use less fuel than by using commercial aircraft. Good point. She also said that with businesses, the slogan "time is money" is pertinent because of the security issues and all the time spent waiting in security check lines at the airports would be avoided if smaller, privately owned aircraft were used by businesses. This would save time and perhaps money. Another good point. This has made me re-think my position on the airport expansion.
Another man approached our booth Friday night with the look of a killer! He was a Chrysler worker who looked like a pro-wrestler. He was spitting out chew into our trash and proceeded to pull up a chair and talk politics. He said he was a Republican but he was thoroughly digusted with both parties but especially his own right now. He also said there needs to be a revolution, and that the war and the elections were all lies. He looked like he would be one who would lead it if need be! LOL I didn't even try to bring up energy issues with him. If I told him the auto-manufacturing business needs to convert into another type of business and why, I don't think I'd be typing this!
Well, I'm getting dragged out to the fence right now (again), so I'll be back around posting later....
p.s. Flying Talking Donkey has some good things on his blog (listed to the right of my blog here) and you should go and check them out! I watched c-span's "Energy and Environmental Issues" with Ted Turner and Bill Clinton and the DLC. It was very good and should be watched by everyone if possible. I'm not normally a DLC person but they have a good idea and they are addressing energy issues, at least, if not just for business opportunity. They think ALOT of jobs could be created if businesses massively turned over to renewables. You've really got to see it!
I also spent 2 nights at a 4-H Fair booth for my local political party. Our prize drawing was for a $50 and $25 gas card! Lots of applicants. The other party's drawing was for a flag. I don't know how they did. on edit: Like I've said before, neither party nor the general public really understands what we're up against. If either party really was, the drawing prizes would've been more like energy efficient lights or something solar, etc! LOL
I tried my best to make energy a topic of discussion and continued planting seeds. One discussion I had was with someone who claimed they were a liberal Republican. The hot topic in our town is expansion of a runway for our small airport which would require buy-out of some farmland and a closure of a historical road. This woman was in favor of expansion even though she was a resident who would be affected by the expansion. Her point was one I hadn't thought about. I brought up the point that with the high cost in energy prices, not many large businesses would want to locate in our small town and wouldn't use the small airport. She suggested that with higher energy prices, more businesses would be spending more money on smaller, private aircraft that would use less fuel than by using commercial aircraft. Good point. She also said that with businesses, the slogan "time is money" is pertinent because of the security issues and all the time spent waiting in security check lines at the airports would be avoided if smaller, privately owned aircraft were used by businesses. This would save time and perhaps money. Another good point. This has made me re-think my position on the airport expansion.
Another man approached our booth Friday night with the look of a killer! He was a Chrysler worker who looked like a pro-wrestler. He was spitting out chew into our trash and proceeded to pull up a chair and talk politics. He said he was a Republican but he was thoroughly digusted with both parties but especially his own right now. He also said there needs to be a revolution, and that the war and the elections were all lies. He looked like he would be one who would lead it if need be! LOL I didn't even try to bring up energy issues with him. If I told him the auto-manufacturing business needs to convert into another type of business and why, I don't think I'd be typing this!
Well, I'm getting dragged out to the fence right now (again), so I'll be back around posting later....
p.s. Flying Talking Donkey has some good things on his blog (listed to the right of my blog here) and you should go and check them out! I watched c-span's "Energy and Environmental Issues" with Ted Turner and Bill Clinton and the DLC. It was very good and should be watched by everyone if possible. I'm not normally a DLC person but they have a good idea and they are addressing energy issues, at least, if not just for business opportunity. They think ALOT of jobs could be created if businesses massively turned over to renewables. You've really got to see it!
Friday, July 08, 2005
Thursday, July 07, 2005
Wednesday, July 06, 2005
Chevron Wants to have a discussion with us
Chevron - Real Issues Advertising
If this doesn't bring home the fact that what we peakniks are trying to speak about is real, I don't know what will. This does seem a little chilling. Hit the link inside the link above called www.willyoujoinus.com. Please spread as far and wide as you can.
peak oil
If this doesn't bring home the fact that what we peakniks are trying to speak about is real, I don't know what will. This does seem a little chilling. Hit the link inside the link above called www.willyoujoinus.com. Please spread as far and wide as you can.
peak oil
Tuesday, July 05, 2005
Monday, July 04, 2005
Sunday, July 03, 2005
My Continuing Attempts at Community Activism

Here's a letter I want to send to my local economic development leader. I haven't sent it off yet....the same night I typed it up I read engineer-poet's amazing new discovery solution to peak oil. I thought if this really was a solution to the peak oil dilemma then this economic developer will eventually deem me crazy.
Dear Mr. XXXXXX:
My name is XXXXXXXXXXX and I am a lifelong resident of Logansport. I am an RN who has worked nights at the Logansport Memorial Hospital on the Medical Floor for 10+ years. As I’ve become older I’ve become increasingly civic-minded and wish to better our local community for future inhabitants. That is why I decided to write to you. I have many ideas but I don’t know who to give them to or how to make them a reality. I’m not a pillar of the community who has lots of wealth or prestige with which to carry out my wishes. However, I am very encouraged to see what you’ve been trying to do for our community since you’ve taken the position, and some of your publicized ideas are similar to some of mine.
You are probably aware of energy-related concerns already, but I have great concern for the sustainability of our local community in the face of future energy predicaments. The ethanol plant is a wonderful beginning and could become beneficial to our community in the “energy independence” sense. However, we are far from being a fully sustainable community at this time. I’m aware that it is beneficial at this present time to reign in large businesses which would provide an increase in local employment, a decrease in certain taxes, and which would create local economic growth. What I feel is even more important is the need for locally-derived businesses and attractions which could buffer the event of any large business leaving for different reasons if they so choose to which has happened often in the recent past.
Some of my ideas are two-fold in purpose. Number one is to create businesses and attractions that could sustain us in the event that transportation and distribution of goods from outside sources becomes too expensive and harder to come by in the future. I am a proponent of this scenario. More expensive transportation costs would mean higher prices and cuts in supplies and deliveries to our small locale. It would not be cost-effective for larger businesses to locate here or remain here if this became a reality. One of the lesser but just as important purposes for my ideas would be to encourage area tourism which would also boost local economic growth and create local sustainability in the process.
My first sustainability concern is food production. For example, if transportation costs skyrocketed, as I believe they will, the salad trucked in from California or those oranges coming from Florida or the bananas from South America might not be quite as affordable here and may also become limited in supply. For this reason, I see a need of support, economically, for locally-grown food. Not only through the farmer’s market, but I would like to see some sort of Community Supported Agriculture (CSA). This has become a growing phenomenon on the coasts and upper Midwest. The closest one to Logansport is almost 3 miles away in Valparaiso. The closest one south of us is in Bloomington. I may be a little slow at this because I’ve never done it but I’m attempting to gather names of local producers to see if there’s any interest in such a thing. If you have the time, visit www.localharvest.org and you can see all of the CSAs, coops, and farmer’s markets in the nation. The growth in just farmer’s markets since 1994 has been at 104%.
Another thing I’m going to try and do is to contact a grocery called Trader Joe’s. Now this is a larger business but one that’s doing quite well in parts of the country. They test-taste all their own food before putting it in their store, they use non-brand named foods, emphasize organic and non-genetically modified products. This is a service that is not available anywhere around here for miles as far as I’m aware. There is one located in Indianapolis near Castleton right now. Their website is www.traderjoes.com. I think this would be a really neat store located in the downtown area somewhere that would draw people into town. I don’t have the money, resources, or know-how to create my own business, so I thought this might be the next best thing.
My second sustainability concern is local transportation. We’re on our way to a great trail right now. What we also need, in my opinion, are more biking paths and a light rail system. My grandpa is 96 years old and has lived here since the days of the interurban and trolley systems. The interurban used to transport people to and from area towns including Kokomo, Peru, Royal Center, etc. With the advent of an ethanol plant in the city and also the potential for soy diesel on a large scale so readily available, we could create a system run on biodiesel which would be locally derived. This would make a unique tourist attraction at first and create revenue for the city. Eventually, as transportation costs increase to the point where it will be too expensive for the less fortunate to have their own transportation, our community could fall back on this light rail system initially developed for tourism. Both uses would help to pay for it. Instead of a poorer individual pouring his/her expenses into owning a vehicle and its expenses, the expense would be poured back towards the rail system for the community’s own benefit. I realize many auto dealers/makers might be against this idea but it is what is going to happen in the future and I would like to address it before it occurs. People could have cheaper transportation and businesses would not lose employees due to lack of a means of transportation. Here is a link to a history of interurbans: http://www.trolleystop.com/interurban.htm. Indianapolis, in fact, had one of the largest interurban stations in the world. Wouldn’t that be a great historical attraction, source of employment, and source of revenue? This may not concern your role but you may be able to find someone interested in re-developing something like this in our city?
Lastly, in my concern over energy independence, I would like to see extra local tax incentives for existing and new businesses that locate here to encourage the use of solar, wind, or another of several forms of renewable energy in addition to the incentives already provided by federal and state government. This would lessen the load on our locally-owned utility plant which might not be able to handle it otherwise. I’m thinking large energy-consuming businesses in this case. Here is a link to business incentives for renewable energy already: http://www.dsireusa.org/library/includes/map2.cfm?CurrentPageID=1&State=IN and our community could provide something on top of this. If you haven’t seen this already, please take a look! It could be something you can add in your incentive package to those businesses shopping for a place to locate, and it would help our community as well.
These are some of my ideas. As you can tell, I’m an internet “nut” and I’ve studied a lot of websites with information based on economic development and urban revitalization because it‘s just that important to me. If these things do not concern your area of expertise then I would ask to whom may I direct my ideas? Maybe also the new urban planning director from Jamaica as well? Please feel free to share this letter to those who might be interested. If you would like to have a meeting to discuss whatever it is that I can do to help, I would be glad to meet with you or the right person., if not you. My phone number is XXXXXXXX or I work in the evenings/nights at XXXXXXXX.
Energy independence and community sustainability may not be at the top of your list of economic development priorities but I feel that is one of the most important upcoming issues facing our community in the near future which will affect every aspect of our community‘s existence. I want to be a part of tackling this problem before it gets here if I can. Thank you for your time.
So that's it. Is it too alarmist? As always, we Cassandras mustn't be too alarming, you know. We must be politically correct!
There is also an opening for a local executive director for
Logan's Landing which is a non-profit downtown business revitalization group. It requires a degree and computer experience which I have. It will consist of managing the fundraising, grant writing, public relations, and volunteer coordination which I don't have any experience. I'm also a nurse, which isn't really related to this type of work. So, I don't think I would be one of their first picks if I applied. It sounds like whoever got this position could do alot of things if they knew how and if it was the right person! I'm interested but kind of afraid because I don't know how to do the grant writing thing.
Anyone have any experience with sort of thing?
Midnight reflections on Fidel Castro and Global Orwellian Imperialism
This may not be totally peak oil related although it does mention peak oil once. What this article does talk about is all of the things that can, or will, or could (or is, however you conceptualize it) transpire over the quest for capitalistic globalization and dominance over the world's resources.
I'm sure I'm singing to the choir about this but I REALLY don't understand why the U.S. congresspeople are in such an uproar over a China firm wanting to purchase Unocal. This is what capitalists wanted wasn't it? We opened up the markets to a communist-run country who is evidently playing the capitalist game. Why is the upper eschalon in such an uproar? They allowed it! Now, since American companies are losing the game, they want to change the rules to their favor? This is hardly fair! I thought our country's founding values were based on fairness?
I can understand not wanting a country as powerful as China to have alot of control over resources. But the U.S. capitalists should have never opened this up to become a possibility in the first place! I hope you understand what I'm trying to say.
This may not be totally peak oil related although it does mention peak oil once. What this article does talk about is all of the things that can, or will, or could (or is, however you conceptualize it) transpire over the quest for capitalistic globalization and dominance over the world's resources.
I'm sure I'm singing to the choir about this but I REALLY don't understand why the U.S. congresspeople are in such an uproar over a China firm wanting to purchase Unocal. This is what capitalists wanted wasn't it? We opened up the markets to a communist-run country who is evidently playing the capitalist game. Why is the upper eschalon in such an uproar? They allowed it! Now, since American companies are losing the game, they want to change the rules to their favor? This is hardly fair! I thought our country's founding values were based on fairness?
I can understand not wanting a country as powerful as China to have alot of control over resources. But the U.S. capitalists should have never opened this up to become a possibility in the first place! I hope you understand what I'm trying to say.
Traders Increase Bets on $80 Oil on Supply Concerns
Bloomberg.com: Europe
So what is it? $100? $80? Some analysts even say back down to $40. Of course, I don't know what world they're in but I'll say anything is a possibility.
peak oil
So what is it? $100? $80? Some analysts even say back down to $40. Of course, I don't know what world they're in but I'll say anything is a possibility.
peak oil
Saturday, July 02, 2005
Energy ration cards for everyone planned (UK)

Every individual in Britain could be issued with a "personal carbon allowance" - a form of energy rationing - within a decade, under proposals being considered seriously by the Government.
Ministers say that increasingly clear evidence that climate change is happening more quickly than expected has made it necessary to "think the unthinkable".
They believe they need to start a public debate on energy rationing now if Tony Blair's aspiration of cutting greenhouse gas emissions by two thirds by 2050 is to be achieved.
Under the scheme for "domestic tradeable quotas" (DTQs), or personal carbon allowances, presented to the Treasury this week, everyone - from the Queen to the poorest people living on state benefits - would have the same annual carbon allocation.
This would be contained electronically on a "ration card", which could be the proposed ID card or a "carbon card" based on supermarket loyalty cards.
It would have to be handed over every time a form of non-renewable energy was purchased - at the filling station, or when buying tickets for a flight - for points to be deducted.
......more from telegraph.co.uk article
Zinc: Miracle Metal?
The Ergosphere
I'm not educated very well in chemistry but from all the talk on engineer-poet's website, it looks like this is hopefully a possible alternative to oil depletion. I'm going to have to read some more but I have questions. Like, is zinc everywhere? I suppose so since it's in the body. I know it's in the creams I put on the skins on the butts and burns of my patients at work! From what I've skimmed so far (and I do ALOT of skimming) it takes solar energy and puts it in the zinc combined with biomass or coal (carbons) through a heating process or something like that. It makes sense. I'll need to read more. I wonder what the EROI is? Does it take alot of the substance to create the same kind of energy that oil does? It sounds good because it could be used for transportation and electricity. Should I hold off my letter to the economic development leader in my community because of this? What about pesticides? What about things made from oil-derived plastics? Lots of questions!
I'm not educated very well in chemistry but from all the talk on engineer-poet's website, it looks like this is hopefully a possible alternative to oil depletion. I'm going to have to read some more but I have questions. Like, is zinc everywhere? I suppose so since it's in the body. I know it's in the creams I put on the skins on the butts and burns of my patients at work! From what I've skimmed so far (and I do ALOT of skimming) it takes solar energy and puts it in the zinc combined with biomass or coal (carbons) through a heating process or something like that. It makes sense. I'll need to read more. I wonder what the EROI is? Does it take alot of the substance to create the same kind of energy that oil does? It sounds good because it could be used for transportation and electricity. Should I hold off my letter to the economic development leader in my community because of this? What about pesticides? What about things made from oil-derived plastics? Lots of questions!
Friday, July 01, 2005
Sustainlane US City Rankings
I can't believe Santa Monica is in the top 5. I always considered that just a part of Los Angeles when I lived there. I was surprised to see Chicago in the top 10 as well.
I can't believe Santa Monica is in the top 5. I always considered that just a part of Los Angeles when I lived there. I was surprised to see Chicago in the top 10 as well.
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