For those who believe mankind needs to re-evaluate and change the roles each one of us plays in our ecosystem of finite resources, to redirect our impact on future generations and their ways of life.
Wednesday, August 31, 2005
Tuesday, August 30, 2005
Go To The Oil Drum & Peak Oil News & Message Boards
Has all of this Katrina coverage overwhelmed you yet? It has me. I'm almost in tears right now seeing all of the poor who couldn't leave New Orleans scrounge for the last of the food, diapers, water and clothing before the city fills up with water. Sure, I'm not defending the other types of looters who loot the un-needed goods although I have to say that if my home was totally destroyed and I had no way to get out of there at that point, I would be doing the same only for the necessities and not for the diamonds or the money. Who knows when the disaster relief assistance could get in there? Some of them have probably already reasoned that out. Some of them probably don't even know about the levee and the non-working pumps. I feel like I'm watching a live horror story and there's nothing I can physically do right now.
I've been following good coverage and commentary on The Oil Drum and Peak Oil Forum since the storm. I advise anyone reading this to do the same....
peak oil
I've been following good coverage and commentary on The Oil Drum and Peak Oil Forum since the storm. I advise anyone reading this to do the same....
peak oil
Markets Can't Create Oil: U.S. needs a real national energy policy
The Register-Guard, Eugene, Oregon, USA
"But as the price of gasoline edges toward $3 a gallon, it's time for Americans to start asking serious questions: What if energy - specifically, petroleum - were subject to geological constraints as well as market forces? And what if the world oil market operates in ways that put the United States at a permanent disadvantage?"
"The United States' near-exclusive reliance on the free market to solve the world's energy problems threatens to leave the country unprotected against severe blows to its economy, security and way of life. Americans did not rely on the free market to put astronauts on the moon, or to create a system of universal education. A similarly ambitious effort is needed now to get the nation ready for a future that will require more efficient use of energy and a diversified portfolio of supplies. It's necessary to anticipate the market rather than merely having faith in it, because waiting for the market to do the job means waiting too long."
peak oil
"But as the price of gasoline edges toward $3 a gallon, it's time for Americans to start asking serious questions: What if energy - specifically, petroleum - were subject to geological constraints as well as market forces? And what if the world oil market operates in ways that put the United States at a permanent disadvantage?"
"The United States' near-exclusive reliance on the free market to solve the world's energy problems threatens to leave the country unprotected against severe blows to its economy, security and way of life. Americans did not rely on the free market to put astronauts on the moon, or to create a system of universal education. A similarly ambitious effort is needed now to get the nation ready for a future that will require more efficient use of energy and a diversified portfolio of supplies. It's necessary to anticipate the market rather than merely having faith in it, because waiting for the market to do the job means waiting too long."
peak oil
Monday, August 29, 2005
WorldNetDaily: $5 gas by 2006, unless ...
I wouldn't even be posting anything from WorldNetDaily here except to expose the idiosy of the Christian fundamentalist extremist's political agenda. What the agenda is, I don't know. Money, maybe? They've made something political out of something geological. They are also trying to promote a Russian communist scientist's theory at the same time they advocate against anything communistic in political ideology! Double standards. Since when did the political and religious extreme right become experts in science? Science is definitely not their specialty. Another double standard.
Read this:
Liberal politicians buying into the idea that oil must be conserved have demanded billions be spent on energy conservation, and have resisted our using proven oil resources such as those discovered in Alaska. (See "'Godforsaken' ANWR: To drill or not to drill?).
Today, there are 100 years of proven oil reserves fully discovered. We should use that oil now, while ensuring enough is constantly in the market to maintain reasonable prices.
One hundred years ago, our primary method of transportation depended upon utilizing horses and burning coal. One hundred years from now will be sufficient time to develop safe alternatives, including solar and nuclear power, as well as alternative liquid fuels.
With oil now cresting $70 a barrel, unless the United States makes some serious moves to obtain and develop significant oil assets, we will see economies like China and India continue to grow while we shrink.
Will we hit $5 per gallon gas? Unless we begin more exploration for deep-earth oil, I fear the answer is yes. Keep in mind that gas is already over $4 to $5 per gallon in the top 10 most expensive cities in the world including Hong Kong, London, Paris, Amsterdam and Seoul. Read my report on "$5 Gas Coming Soon
Why doesn't he go on to state how much oil ANWR will actually put out for us? Answer: about 6 months to 2 years worth. He acts as though we'll have 100 years worth of oil supplies if we could only drill in Alaska. I say go for it! Let them find out. This liberal is not stopping them.
And what kind of expert credentials does this guy have?:
Craig R. Smith is an author, commentator and popular media guest because he instantly engages audiences with his common-sense analyses of local, national and global trends. He knows Americans want solid answers to the tough questions, having hosted two nationally syndicated talk-radio shows during the 1990s: "America Talks" and "World Economic Perspective."
Sounds as good as Rush Limbaugh.
peak oil
I wouldn't even be posting anything from WorldNetDaily here except to expose the idiosy of the Christian fundamentalist extremist's political agenda. What the agenda is, I don't know. Money, maybe? They've made something political out of something geological. They are also trying to promote a Russian communist scientist's theory at the same time they advocate against anything communistic in political ideology! Double standards. Since when did the political and religious extreme right become experts in science? Science is definitely not their specialty. Another double standard.
Read this:
Liberal politicians buying into the idea that oil must be conserved have demanded billions be spent on energy conservation, and have resisted our using proven oil resources such as those discovered in Alaska. (See "'Godforsaken' ANWR: To drill or not to drill?).
Today, there are 100 years of proven oil reserves fully discovered. We should use that oil now, while ensuring enough is constantly in the market to maintain reasonable prices.
One hundred years ago, our primary method of transportation depended upon utilizing horses and burning coal. One hundred years from now will be sufficient time to develop safe alternatives, including solar and nuclear power, as well as alternative liquid fuels.
With oil now cresting $70 a barrel, unless the United States makes some serious moves to obtain and develop significant oil assets, we will see economies like China and India continue to grow while we shrink.
Will we hit $5 per gallon gas? Unless we begin more exploration for deep-earth oil, I fear the answer is yes. Keep in mind that gas is already over $4 to $5 per gallon in the top 10 most expensive cities in the world including Hong Kong, London, Paris, Amsterdam and Seoul. Read my report on "$5 Gas Coming Soon
Why doesn't he go on to state how much oil ANWR will actually put out for us? Answer: about 6 months to 2 years worth. He acts as though we'll have 100 years worth of oil supplies if we could only drill in Alaska. I say go for it! Let them find out. This liberal is not stopping them.
And what kind of expert credentials does this guy have?:
Craig R. Smith is an author, commentator and popular media guest because he instantly engages audiences with his common-sense analyses of local, national and global trends. He knows Americans want solid answers to the tough questions, having hosted two nationally syndicated talk-radio shows during the 1990s: "America Talks" and "World Economic Perspective."
Sounds as good as Rush Limbaugh.
peak oil
Sunday, August 28, 2005 | Katrina Coverage | News for New Orleans, Louisiana
Gotta go to work now. Let's brace ourselves. This could be a rocky week, at least.
Gotta go to work now. Let's brace ourselves. This could be a rocky week, at least.
Willamette Week Online: ATTACK OF THE $3 TOMATO
Willamette Week Online
I just found this article on Energy Bulletin. It's a must read. So inspiring. I hope the enthusiasm for local food spreads.
I just found this article on Energy Bulletin. It's a must read. So inspiring. I hope the enthusiasm for local food spreads. | Rep. Bartlett sponsors Peak Oil conference
Wow! An opportunity to see Deffeyes, Heinberg, and Simmons all in the same room! Wished I lived in Maryland for that one! Heck, I can't even make it to the 2nd Annual Community Solutions' Peak Oil Conference in September! It's only 3-4 hours away. First, I have to work that weekend. Second, my daughter is in her senior year of volleyball and has a tournament I'd feel guilty to miss. Third, I don't really have the money. Last, I can't find anyone to go with me. So, I guess it wasn't meant to be for this year. Next year, I'm asking for the weekend off, my daughter will be in college, and I will work on finding someone to go with me as early as I can. I wanted to see Richard Heinberg and the moderator of ROE2 so badly! Maybe next year.....
Wow! An opportunity to see Deffeyes, Heinberg, and Simmons all in the same room! Wished I lived in Maryland for that one! Heck, I can't even make it to the 2nd Annual Community Solutions' Peak Oil Conference in September! It's only 3-4 hours away. First, I have to work that weekend. Second, my daughter is in her senior year of volleyball and has a tournament I'd feel guilty to miss. Third, I don't really have the money. Last, I can't find anyone to go with me. So, I guess it wasn't meant to be for this year. Next year, I'm asking for the weekend off, my daughter will be in college, and I will work on finding someone to go with me as early as I can. I wanted to see Richard Heinberg and the moderator of ROE2 so badly! Maybe next year.....
The Oil Drum | Gulf Oil Supply/Katrina Weather Map Update
The Oil Drum
Good coverage of the hurricane is going on at The Oil Drum. It doesn't sound good, and I don't have a good feeling. We'll see.
Good coverage of the hurricane is going on at The Oil Drum. It doesn't sound good, and I don't have a good feeling. We'll see.
Saturday, August 27, 2005
Friday, August 26, 2005
Heating oil dealers are playing hard to get.
cnn money
I had my natural gas heating locked-in to .775 per therm through this past winter. Anybody hear what it will be this year? If it will be a 20% increase that will make it around 90 cents, right? Yikes! I'm on a budget plan and pay $113/month. I still have a $120.00 balance from the winter! In 2003-2004 I only paid $99/month. NIPSCO increased it this May. I shopped around 2 years ago when the prices started to rise (before I knew about peak oil). Instead of going with NIPSCO, I found another company called Border Energy out of New York. They gave me a cheaper fixed winter therm rate than NIPSCO had but I often wonder if this won't be as good as prices rise because I may have to pay more in interstate transportation fees. I couldn't break it down very well from looking at my bill. Anybody out there an expert at any of this?
Yesterday, I had the heating and cooling guy come to clean the furnace and install a new energy saver thermostat. Hope it works as well as it says.
peak oil
I had my natural gas heating locked-in to .775 per therm through this past winter. Anybody hear what it will be this year? If it will be a 20% increase that will make it around 90 cents, right? Yikes! I'm on a budget plan and pay $113/month. I still have a $120.00 balance from the winter! In 2003-2004 I only paid $99/month. NIPSCO increased it this May. I shopped around 2 years ago when the prices started to rise (before I knew about peak oil). Instead of going with NIPSCO, I found another company called Border Energy out of New York. They gave me a cheaper fixed winter therm rate than NIPSCO had but I often wonder if this won't be as good as prices rise because I may have to pay more in interstate transportation fees. I couldn't break it down very well from looking at my bill. Anybody out there an expert at any of this?
Yesterday, I had the heating and cooling guy come to clean the furnace and install a new energy saver thermostat. Hope it works as well as it says.
peak oil
Thursday, August 25, 2005
Hawaii caps pre-tax, wholesale gas prices
Oh great! mainstream JohnQ Public is coming up with solutions for everybody! Price caps! That's about the last thing we need but I fear the mainstream will be convinced otherwise.
peak oil
Oh great! mainstream JohnQ Public is coming up with solutions for everybody! Price caps! That's about the last thing we need but I fear the mainstream will be convinced otherwise.
peak oil
Poor need renewable energy sources says Annan
Hey! Wait! I'd like some help with renewable energy, too! Just kidding. I think that is something the U.N. should be doing--as long as they don't funnel the money elsewhere, if you know what I mean!
Hey! Wait! I'd like some help with renewable energy, too! Just kidding. I think that is something the U.N. should be doing--as long as they don't funnel the money elsewhere, if you know what I mean!
Wednesday, August 24, 2005
Chavez offers cheap gas to poor in U.S.
Tuesday, August 23, 2005 - Rising fuel costs pinching school districts - Aug 22, 2005
Some districts are having to cut spending elsewhere.
"We know what gets cuts first," said Anne Miller, executive director of the business officials association. "It's going to be the maintenance of the buildings. It's going to be professional development for teachers, and after that, it's going to go right on down the line to school staffing."
OHhhhh great! My spouse just landed a job as a custodian at the local high school within the kitchen in the cafeteria making more money that he ever has, less than a block away. Having lost his last 2 only jobs he's ever had to factories that closed up and moved, this is not a good thing to hear! I told him if the school closes down, we're all in big trouble.....why does it seem that job loss seems to follow him!? I guess it hasn't happened yet. He only has 4 more years to go until he can retire. Hopefully, things will at least stretch out until then. No job is safe anymore.
peak oil
Some districts are having to cut spending elsewhere.
"We know what gets cuts first," said Anne Miller, executive director of the business officials association. "It's going to be the maintenance of the buildings. It's going to be professional development for teachers, and after that, it's going to go right on down the line to school staffing."
OHhhhh great! My spouse just landed a job as a custodian at the local high school within the kitchen in the cafeteria making more money that he ever has, less than a block away. Having lost his last 2 only jobs he's ever had to factories that closed up and moved, this is not a good thing to hear! I told him if the school closes down, we're all in big trouble.....why does it seem that job loss seems to follow him!? I guess it hasn't happened yet. He only has 4 more years to go until he can retire. Hopefully, things will at least stretch out until then. No job is safe anymore.
peak oil
Monday, August 22, 2005
UN for intensified efforts to promote renewable energy sources (Delhi, India)
In a report made public yesterday, UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan observed that accelerated development and increased use of new and renewable energy sources can offer multiple benefits for sustainable development.
"Renewable sources of energy can be used to provide modern energy services to the poor, contribute to meeting the increasing global energy demand, reduce air pollution, mitigate climate change and delay the eventual fossil-fuel depletion," he said.
Well, I guess we're not the only ones that are aware of peak oil. Why doesn't the moral majority of the U.S. know? (sarcasm)
In a report made public yesterday, UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan observed that accelerated development and increased use of new and renewable energy sources can offer multiple benefits for sustainable development.
"Renewable sources of energy can be used to provide modern energy services to the poor, contribute to meeting the increasing global energy demand, reduce air pollution, mitigate climate change and delay the eventual fossil-fuel depletion," he said.
Well, I guess we're not the only ones that are aware of peak oil. Why doesn't the moral majority of the U.S. know? (sarcasm) | Oil expert predicts apocalypse, but few are listening
This is a similar article to the one below but here's an additional view of an opponent to the Deffeyes' view:
Mark Mills, co-author of the new book "The Bottomless Well: The Twilight of Fuel, the Virtue of Waste, and Why We Will Never Run Out of Energy," said Deffeyes is smart about geology, but wrong on this issue.
Higher prices will merely spur humankind to figure out how to extract oil from previously impenetrable sources, such as the oil sands of Canada, he said.
"I don't propose that there's an infinite supply of oil," said Mills, a physicist and partner in a venture capital fund. "I just propose that there's a lot more than most geologists would believe because the real metric of availability is technology, not geology."
...Saying that mankind will figure out how and saying mankind has already figured it out are two completely different things.
Common comeback #123: "Technology will save us".......ok we'll wait and see. We've only been waiting for 30 years or so.
This is a similar article to the one below but here's an additional view of an opponent to the Deffeyes' view:
Mark Mills, co-author of the new book "The Bottomless Well: The Twilight of Fuel, the Virtue of Waste, and Why We Will Never Run Out of Energy," said Deffeyes is smart about geology, but wrong on this issue.
Higher prices will merely spur humankind to figure out how to extract oil from previously impenetrable sources, such as the oil sands of Canada, he said.
"I don't propose that there's an infinite supply of oil," said Mills, a physicist and partner in a venture capital fund. "I just propose that there's a lot more than most geologists would believe because the real metric of availability is technology, not geology."
...Saying that mankind will figure out how and saying mankind has already figured it out are two completely different things.
Common comeback #123: "Technology will save us".......ok we'll wait and see. We've only been waiting for 30 years or so.
Sunday, August 21, 2005
'Peak oil' spells cataclysm for U.S., oil theorist warns
I learned this particular piece of history from this article:
"It's the five-year time scale that I'm really scared about." History has demonstrated that the fear of a coming oil shortage, justified or not, can be a powerful determinant of events. U.S. oil experts predicted a "gasoline famine" just after World War I, prompting Britain to combine three former provinces of the Ottoman Empire into a new, oil-rich country that was to remain friendly to England.
It was named Iraq."
.....I knew Churchill divided up the Mideast but I didn't know the reasoning behind how it was done. Fascinating. You can tell I haven't read alot about history, can't you!? lol
I learned this particular piece of history from this article:
"It's the five-year time scale that I'm really scared about." History has demonstrated that the fear of a coming oil shortage, justified or not, can be a powerful determinant of events. U.S. oil experts predicted a "gasoline famine" just after World War I, prompting Britain to combine three former provinces of the Ottoman Empire into a new, oil-rich country that was to remain friendly to England.
It was named Iraq."
.....I knew Churchill divided up the Mideast but I didn't know the reasoning behind how it was done. Fascinating. You can tell I haven't read alot about history, can't you!? lol
Saturday, August 20, 2005
Thursday, August 18, 2005
Peak Oil Crisis: Peak Oil & Car Pools
Falls Church News-Press
This the first Falls Church News-Press article on peak oil that I'd say I have to disagree with. I don't think we need government-controlled car pools. I think money would be better spent creating and/or subsidizing sufficient rail systems for transportation to work. Better yet, biking/walking should be subsidized and encouraged, if at all possible.
I'm sure carpooling will happen all on its own in the early stages. I see it happening now. I live in a smaller city and I just don't think forced carpooling would work around here because we don't have enough of a population to create a workable carpool system! For instance, I work 5p-5a without a fixed schedule at the hospital. Sometimes, I'm on-call or called-in unexpectedly. Not many others in this town work an everchanging schedule from 5p-5a. I would be hard-pressed to find a ride. Even if I did, would it be in the same direction as I'm going? Alot of my co-workers are from out of town, too. I just don't think it's workable.
My first thoughts about forced carpooling include wondering why one would want to pay the insurance and care of a car at all if they couldn't drive it that often anyway.
I think we should work for less government control not more, in this respect. As far as I'm concerned, forcing one to take the carpool instead allowing use of their own vehicle is limiting freedom of choice. Yes, I'm a Democrat that wants assured the freedom to use a vehicle just as much as I support freedom of choice in women's rights! The government need not be involved except maybe for subsidizing mass transit efforts. I'm sure letting go of personal use of a car will happen all on its own with rising energy costs.
peak oil
This the first Falls Church News-Press article on peak oil that I'd say I have to disagree with. I don't think we need government-controlled car pools. I think money would be better spent creating and/or subsidizing sufficient rail systems for transportation to work. Better yet, biking/walking should be subsidized and encouraged, if at all possible.
I'm sure carpooling will happen all on its own in the early stages. I see it happening now. I live in a smaller city and I just don't think forced carpooling would work around here because we don't have enough of a population to create a workable carpool system! For instance, I work 5p-5a without a fixed schedule at the hospital. Sometimes, I'm on-call or called-in unexpectedly. Not many others in this town work an everchanging schedule from 5p-5a. I would be hard-pressed to find a ride. Even if I did, would it be in the same direction as I'm going? Alot of my co-workers are from out of town, too. I just don't think it's workable.
My first thoughts about forced carpooling include wondering why one would want to pay the insurance and care of a car at all if they couldn't drive it that often anyway.
I think we should work for less government control not more, in this respect. As far as I'm concerned, forcing one to take the carpool instead allowing use of their own vehicle is limiting freedom of choice. Yes, I'm a Democrat that wants assured the freedom to use a vehicle just as much as I support freedom of choice in women's rights! The government need not be involved except maybe for subsidizing mass transit efforts. I'm sure letting go of personal use of a car will happen all on its own with rising energy costs.
peak oil
Financial Sense University� "Noble Rot" by John Mackenzie 08.17.2005
Financial Sense University� "Noble Rot" by John Mackenzie 08.17.2005
Awesome. Inspiring. I'm getting ideas after looking at this guys composting bin and raised beds! This fall there are going to be some changes in my yard for next year, especially after seeing this.
Awesome. Inspiring. I'm getting ideas after looking at this guys composting bin and raised beds! This fall there are going to be some changes in my yard for next year, especially after seeing this.
Wednesday, August 17, 2005
Jevons paradox - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Thought this was a good description of Jevon's Paradox. Don't know why I decided to blog it. Just a reminder, I guess! Maybe some newbies might read and review the concept.
peak oil
Thought this was a good description of Jevon's Paradox. Don't know why I decided to blog it. Just a reminder, I guess! Maybe some newbies might read and review the concept.
peak oil
Tuesday, August 16, 2005
Gasoline Price Reflects Dwindling Oil Reserves, not Merely Oil Price -Lundberg
Culture Change
Thank you, Lundberg, for correcting Fox News!
"Growth of the economy ends when petroleum is in short supply. When the market really feels the gap between supply and demand widen, the price will go through the roof. Alternative energy sources are not ready. The coming oil shock will signal an historic flip-over from expanding our civilization via petroleum dependence to seeing the commencement - after "petrocollapse" - of a reversion to sustainable living based on local ecological capacity. The short answer to 'What do we do now?' is conserve, radically."
Lundberg also told Fox News that it is erroneous to calculate that the adjusted price for gasoline, including inflation, is under the price of two and a half decades ago. This is because "subsidies - direct, indirect and hidden, such as the War on Iraq -- to oil and refined products, if included in the price, would make oil cost perhaps $120 per barrel today. This is one reason people must work longer hours and obtain extra jobs," he explained.
peak oil
Thank you, Lundberg, for correcting Fox News!
"Growth of the economy ends when petroleum is in short supply. When the market really feels the gap between supply and demand widen, the price will go through the roof. Alternative energy sources are not ready. The coming oil shock will signal an historic flip-over from expanding our civilization via petroleum dependence to seeing the commencement - after "petrocollapse" - of a reversion to sustainable living based on local ecological capacity. The short answer to 'What do we do now?' is conserve, radically."
Lundberg also told Fox News that it is erroneous to calculate that the adjusted price for gasoline, including inflation, is under the price of two and a half decades ago. This is because "subsidies - direct, indirect and hidden, such as the War on Iraq -- to oil and refined products, if included in the price, would make oil cost perhaps $120 per barrel today. This is one reason people must work longer hours and obtain extra jobs," he explained.
peak oil
How Serious is Peak Oil?

American Chronicle
Oh Lord! My search engine says this article is coming from Beverly Hills! Beverly peak oil!
"In the past, oil was considered to be an unlimited natural resource. It was sold freely, like gravel or crushed stone. Until now, the real price of oil has generally been related to the cost of extraction. Speculation and politics have caused the wide shifts in the price of oil that we have seen in the past, and will continue to do so in the coming years. But, in the near future, oil will also be sold less casually. Its price will be only partially related to demand, and partially because it will be held back in reserve, as a valuable, but dwindling resource. It will be sold with a view toward the conservation of capital, if you will.....
....As you can see, the problem is not a shortage of oil, but it is the price of oil. International politics and speculation would have prices rising in any case, but the war and turmoil in the Middle East is causing most of the excessive price speculation that we see today. Certainly developing countries like India and China are having some considerable affect on the price as well. It is highly unlikely that we will see oil under $50 again, for any prolonged period of time. On the other hand, prices over $100 will cause investors to initiate adventures into other sources of oil and other sources of energy. Even at $75 or $80, some other forms of energy will begin to replace oil in certain areas, from wind farms and bicycles to solar cells and hybrid automobiles. Most of these new energy sources are of questionable value except on a very small scale. However, new energy sources of any kind require investment and lead time. Meanwhile prices can become disruptive."
peak oil
The Peak Oil Crisis: A Role for the Post Office
Falls Church News-Press
Just got to this one from Thursday. That's how behind I am! Falls Church News-Press continues with the peak oil discussion....
peak oil
Just got to this one from Thursday. That's how behind I am! Falls Church News-Press continues with the peak oil discussion....
peak oil
Monday, August 15, 2005
Will America be ready when oil supply peaks? -
"The energy bill makes available $14.6 billion in subsidies and tax credits, but $9.2 billion goes toward electricity generation, where only 3 percent of oil is used, and another $2.6 billion goes to oil and gas companies. Very little goes to decreasing oil consumption in transportation or creating and employing alternative energies.
Second, we must publicize the possibility that the United States and the world economy are woefully unprepared for peak oil. This is vital because Americans, in particular, still see oil as an entitlement. America uses 25 percent of the world's energy and has only 5 percent of its population.
Third, we need to establish a set of norms that can help great powers - and civilizations, for that matter - avoid conflicts over oil. Otherwise, we will increasingly see oil as a zero-sum game as we anticipate dwindling supplies. The United States and China do have a bilateral working group on energy at lower governmental levels, but it deserves higher-level attention and needs to be expanded to include other countries.
Technology may still save us from our oil addiction. But just as we buy insurance to protect our lives, we should have an insurance policy to protect the energy security of future generations."
peak oil
"The energy bill makes available $14.6 billion in subsidies and tax credits, but $9.2 billion goes toward electricity generation, where only 3 percent of oil is used, and another $2.6 billion goes to oil and gas companies. Very little goes to decreasing oil consumption in transportation or creating and employing alternative energies.
Second, we must publicize the possibility that the United States and the world economy are woefully unprepared for peak oil. This is vital because Americans, in particular, still see oil as an entitlement. America uses 25 percent of the world's energy and has only 5 percent of its population.
Third, we need to establish a set of norms that can help great powers - and civilizations, for that matter - avoid conflicts over oil. Otherwise, we will increasingly see oil as a zero-sum game as we anticipate dwindling supplies. The United States and China do have a bilateral working group on energy at lower governmental levels, but it deserves higher-level attention and needs to be expanded to include other countries.
Technology may still save us from our oil addiction. But just as we buy insurance to protect our lives, we should have an insurance policy to protect the energy security of future generations."
peak oil
'Peak oil' issue piques interest
Friday, August 12, 2005
Chevron's gamble
The Cincinnati Post
The strong results, however, mask weakness in Chevron's core business: finding oil and gas. Last year, it pumped the equivalent of 2.5 million barrels of oil out of the ground every day. After factoring in asset sales, new discoveries and revisions to previous estimates, it didn't come close to adding that much in proven reserves. Its "replacement rate" was just 18 percent - one of the worst showings by a large oil company in recent years. If that continues, Chevron could eventually pump itself out of existence. That is why many in the oil patch see Chevron's acquisition of Unocal as a sign of weakness, not strength.
I remember reading somewhere that when oil becomes harder and harder to find and the cost of exploration and extraction increases, more companies will be merging. This is probably one example.
peak oil
The strong results, however, mask weakness in Chevron's core business: finding oil and gas. Last year, it pumped the equivalent of 2.5 million barrels of oil out of the ground every day. After factoring in asset sales, new discoveries and revisions to previous estimates, it didn't come close to adding that much in proven reserves. Its "replacement rate" was just 18 percent - one of the worst showings by a large oil company in recent years. If that continues, Chevron could eventually pump itself out of existence. That is why many in the oil patch see Chevron's acquisition of Unocal as a sign of weakness, not strength.
I remember reading somewhere that when oil becomes harder and harder to find and the cost of exploration and extraction increases, more companies will be merging. This is probably one example.
peak oil
The End is Nigh
American Scientist Online
Well. It's been a wild week of information, hasn't it? I can't keep up and I just keep finding more and more good online reading about our oil/energy situation!
Well. It's been a wild week of information, hasn't it? I can't keep up and I just keep finding more and more good online reading about our oil/energy situation!
Thursday, August 11, 2005
Wednesday, August 10, 2005
Tuesday, August 09, 2005
Petrodollar Warfare: Dollars, Euros and the Upcoming Iranian Oil Bourse (More Iran Attack Rumors)
Oh boy. Here we go again. Before the invasion of Iraq I read something very similar which led me on my quest in early 2003 to try and elect change in the government (I wasn't aware of peak oil at the time, either). This is very ominous (actually, he whole article is shuddering):
Despite the complete absence of coverage from the five U.S. corporate media conglomerates, these foreign news stories suggest one of the Federal Reserve's nightmares may begin to unfold in the spring of 2006, when it appears that international buyers will have a choice of buying a barrel of oil for $60 dollars on the NYMEX and IPE - or purchase a barrel of oil for €45 - €50 euros via the Iranian Bourse. This assumes the euro maintains its current 20-25% appreciated value relative to the dollar – and assumes that some sort of US "intervention" is not launched against Iran. The upcoming bourse will introduce petrodollar versus petroeuro currency hedging, and fundamentally new dynamics to the biggest market in the world - global oil and gas trades. In essence, the U.S. will no longer be able to effortlessly expand credit via U.S. Treasury bills, and the dollar's demand/liquidity value will fall.
It is unclear at the time of writing if this project will be successful, or could it prompt overt or covert U.S. interventions – thereby signaling the second phase of petrodollar warfare in the Middle East. Regardless of the potential U.S. response to an Iranian petroeuro system, the emergence of an oil exchange market in the Middle East is not entirely surprising given the domestic peaking and decline of oil exports in the U.S. and U.K, in comparison to the remaining oil reserves in Iran, Iraq and Saudi Arabia. What we are witnessing is a battle for oil currency supremacy. If Iran's oil bourse becomes a successful alternative for international oil trades, it would challenge the hegemony currently enjoyed by the financial centers in both London (IPE) and New York (NYMEX), a factor not overlooked in the following (UK) Guardian article:
Iran is to launch an oil trading market for Middle East and Opec producers that could threaten the supremacy of London's International Petroleum Exchange.
…Some industry experts have warned the Iranians and other OPEC producers that western exchanges are controlled by big financial and oil corporations, which have a vested interest in market volatility. [emphasis added]
The IPE, bought in 2001 by a consortium that includes BP, Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley, was unwilling to discuss the Iranian move yesterday. "We would not have any comment to make on it at this stage," said an IPE spokeswoman. [14]
I may be wrong, but with people saying it's madness to commit to two wars at the same time, I will predict that before the 2006 elections, our troops will be pulled out of Iraq, and the stage will be RE-set with Iran as center stage. Not good. Whether we like it or not, we're fighting for the last drop guys.
peak oil
Oh boy. Here we go again. Before the invasion of Iraq I read something very similar which led me on my quest in early 2003 to try and elect change in the government (I wasn't aware of peak oil at the time, either). This is very ominous (actually, he whole article is shuddering):
Despite the complete absence of coverage from the five U.S. corporate media conglomerates, these foreign news stories suggest one of the Federal Reserve's nightmares may begin to unfold in the spring of 2006, when it appears that international buyers will have a choice of buying a barrel of oil for $60 dollars on the NYMEX and IPE - or purchase a barrel of oil for €45 - €50 euros via the Iranian Bourse. This assumes the euro maintains its current 20-25% appreciated value relative to the dollar – and assumes that some sort of US "intervention" is not launched against Iran. The upcoming bourse will introduce petrodollar versus petroeuro currency hedging, and fundamentally new dynamics to the biggest market in the world - global oil and gas trades. In essence, the U.S. will no longer be able to effortlessly expand credit via U.S. Treasury bills, and the dollar's demand/liquidity value will fall.
It is unclear at the time of writing if this project will be successful, or could it prompt overt or covert U.S. interventions – thereby signaling the second phase of petrodollar warfare in the Middle East. Regardless of the potential U.S. response to an Iranian petroeuro system, the emergence of an oil exchange market in the Middle East is not entirely surprising given the domestic peaking and decline of oil exports in the U.S. and U.K, in comparison to the remaining oil reserves in Iran, Iraq and Saudi Arabia. What we are witnessing is a battle for oil currency supremacy. If Iran's oil bourse becomes a successful alternative for international oil trades, it would challenge the hegemony currently enjoyed by the financial centers in both London (IPE) and New York (NYMEX), a factor not overlooked in the following (UK) Guardian article:
Iran is to launch an oil trading market for Middle East and Opec producers that could threaten the supremacy of London's International Petroleum Exchange.
…Some industry experts have warned the Iranians and other OPEC producers that western exchanges are controlled by big financial and oil corporations, which have a vested interest in market volatility. [emphasis added]
The IPE, bought in 2001 by a consortium that includes BP, Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley, was unwilling to discuss the Iranian move yesterday. "We would not have any comment to make on it at this stage," said an IPE spokeswoman. [14]
I may be wrong, but with people saying it's madness to commit to two wars at the same time, I will predict that before the 2006 elections, our troops will be pulled out of Iraq, and the stage will be RE-set with Iran as center stage. Not good. Whether we like it or not, we're fighting for the last drop guys.
peak oil
Monday, August 08, 2005
Oil, gas prices both jump to new records
$2.37 is the high? It went up to $2.50/gal here today! Question, question! (hand raised in the air) Why is it that suddenly we are being told about all of the refinery problems? Is all of the refinery equipment going bad at the same time? I know they're old and in need of repair but there had to be breakdowns at the refineries before gas prices became so high. Does it mean that oil supplies are just this tight right now? Why all of a sudden are we seeing all of this in the headlines? Are they going to build the new refineries yet? We've only been waiting....(tapping foot). Is it true, then, that it's not worth it to build new refineries because we aren't going to have the oil anyway? That it'll just be too expensive and not worth it? If that's the case, then why aren't we kicking *ss right now trying to switch over to renewables? D*mn market.
This really makes me feel like it is too late. Why do we always wait until the last minute!? This is clearly not a time for waiting until the last minute! People seem to be waking up with the rise in gas prices but they don't understand the scope of it all! You other peaknikers and I know that switching to ethanol/biodiesel/fuel-cells/hybrids/etc. are not going to solve the problem ultimately. It's wishful thinking (which I'm guilty of) and it may prolong the course of things but we know it will definitely make the landing alot harder. I think it'll be impossible to make the landing softer.
I also wonder why, sometimes, I'm making an effort to conserve? I have to stop myself sometimes and remember why. I forget where I read it but if only half the world conserves, it still won't do any good because the other half will just keep using the non-renewable energy up anyway. What do you think of this concept? It makes sense. In conclusion, the ONLY purpose I'm attempting to conserve and to learn to live more simply is because eventually we will have to. And I'd rather learn now, with room for mistakes, than when the crunch hits. Other people that don't know about peak oil theory and the die-off concepts will not be trying to conserve for these purposes. That's sad. It could be so much easier if everyone grasped the concepts.
peak oil
Save $3,000 on a hybrid -- if you hurry
Sunday, August 07, 2005
Odograph has a good blog entry based on an article about a "rebellion" of drivers who are switching from premium to regular gasoline!
I didn't realize anyone still bought premium? Well, not unless you're a car nut! I bought this Neon a few years ago and the owner left the next buyer of the vehicle a note specifying to use only synthetic motor oil and premium gas which would make it run better and where you would get better performance. Needless to say, I'm not that technical. I went ahead and did what he said. I no longer have the car (it was totaled by my daughter) but if I did, I'd surely be questioning the use of the premium gasoline at this point in time!
Odograph has a good blog entry based on an article about a "rebellion" of drivers who are switching from premium to regular gasoline!
I didn't realize anyone still bought premium? Well, not unless you're a car nut! I bought this Neon a few years ago and the owner left the next buyer of the vehicle a note specifying to use only synthetic motor oil and premium gas which would make it run better and where you would get better performance. Needless to say, I'm not that technical. I went ahead and did what he said. I no longer have the car (it was totaled by my daughter) but if I did, I'd surely be questioning the use of the premium gasoline at this point in time!
Saturday, August 06, 2005
The "Minimum" Solar Box Cooker
I thought this was interesting and looks easy-to-make even for me! Cheap, too, in case I make any mistakes, I wouldn't be losing out on too much. This is a keeper.
I thought this was interesting and looks easy-to-make even for me! Cheap, too, in case I make any mistakes, I wouldn't be losing out on too much. This is a keeper.
Friday, August 05, 2005
Thursday, August 04, 2005
Trip to Indianapolis Today
I had to take my mother for a doctor's appointment today down in Indianapolis. I'm still reading TLE but instead I chose to bring Jared Diamond's "Collapse" for reading during our 5-hour visit for tests and an office visit. Anyway, I had two observations to share.

First, I was horrified by all the new sprawl. I forget the last time I took this route but it hasn't been a year. I couldn't believe all the "McMansions" side-by-side being built! Now I know what real McMansions look like. They look really big, really cheap, and really alike. I also witnessed a "gated" community. It looked like Fort Knox located close to downtown. I have to say, if we ever go into a "Mad Max" scenario in the post-industrialization phase, I can see people with machine guns guarding at the top of the walls just like you'd see on a castle! I'm serious! All that was needed was a moat and some alligators! Road construction was rampant. Detours everywhere. There is some MAJOR road construction going on. I asked myself "why"? don't they realize this will all be so futile in about 50 years? What a waste. I still feel sick.
Secondly, I was able to visit a Trader Joe's! It was awesome! I bought all the organics I could. I couldn't buy anything cold or frozen because of the driving time. I really wish we had one closer to where I live. We don't have anything organic like that for at least a 2-hour radius. I'm definitely writing them tomorrow to see if they will bring a store to my city. May not work in 50 years but, hey, what the heck--at least I can have some pleasure of eating organic food besides my own garden and the farmer's market. I received an email that they sell caged-raised chickens. I'm sure they will change their practices if enough people will complain.

First, I was horrified by all the new sprawl. I forget the last time I took this route but it hasn't been a year. I couldn't believe all the "McMansions" side-by-side being built! Now I know what real McMansions look like. They look really big, really cheap, and really alike. I also witnessed a "gated" community. It looked like Fort Knox located close to downtown. I have to say, if we ever go into a "Mad Max" scenario in the post-industrialization phase, I can see people with machine guns guarding at the top of the walls just like you'd see on a castle! I'm serious! All that was needed was a moat and some alligators! Road construction was rampant. Detours everywhere. There is some MAJOR road construction going on. I asked myself "why"? don't they realize this will all be so futile in about 50 years? What a waste. I still feel sick.
Secondly, I was able to visit a Trader Joe's! It was awesome! I bought all the organics I could. I couldn't buy anything cold or frozen because of the driving time. I really wish we had one closer to where I live. We don't have anything organic like that for at least a 2-hour radius. I'm definitely writing them tomorrow to see if they will bring a store to my city. May not work in 50 years but, hey, what the heck--at least I can have some pleasure of eating organic food besides my own garden and the farmer's market. I received an email that they sell caged-raised chickens. I'm sure they will change their practices if enough people will complain.

Wednesday, August 03, 2005
Tuesday, August 02, 2005
Kunstler Speech in Hudson NY 2005
Kunstler Speech in Hudson NY 2005
This might be old news to some of you but it is new reading for me.
peak oil
This might be old news to some of you but it is new reading for me.
peak oil
Monday, August 01, 2005
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