Monday, August 29, 2005

WorldNetDaily: $5 gas by 2006, unless ...


I wouldn't even be posting anything from WorldNetDaily here except to expose the idiosy of the Christian fundamentalist extremist's political agenda. What the agenda is, I don't know. Money, maybe? They've made something political out of something geological. They are also trying to promote a Russian communist scientist's theory at the same time they advocate against anything communistic in political ideology! Double standards. Since when did the political and religious extreme right become experts in science? Science is definitely not their specialty. Another double standard.

Read this:

Liberal politicians buying into the idea that oil must be conserved have demanded billions be spent on energy conservation, and have resisted our using proven oil resources such as those discovered in Alaska. (See "'Godforsaken' ANWR: To drill or not to drill?).

Today, there are 100 years of proven oil reserves fully discovered. We should use that oil now, while ensuring enough is constantly in the market to maintain reasonable prices.

One hundred years ago, our primary method of transportation depended upon utilizing horses and burning coal. One hundred years from now will be sufficient time to develop safe alternatives, including solar and nuclear power, as well as alternative liquid fuels.

With oil now cresting $70 a barrel, unless the United States makes some serious moves to obtain and develop significant oil assets, we will see economies like China and India continue to grow while we shrink.

Will we hit $5 per gallon gas? Unless we begin more exploration for deep-earth oil, I fear the answer is yes. Keep in mind that gas is already over $4 to $5 per gallon in the top 10 most expensive cities in the world including Hong Kong, London, Paris, Amsterdam and Seoul. Read my report on "$5 Gas Coming Soon

Why doesn't he go on to state how much oil ANWR will actually put out for us? Answer: about 6 months to 2 years worth. He acts as though we'll have 100 years worth of oil supplies if we could only drill in Alaska. I say go for it! Let them find out. This liberal is not stopping them.

And what kind of expert credentials does this guy have?:

Craig R. Smith is an author, commentator and popular media guest because he instantly engages audiences with his common-sense analyses of local, national and global trends. He knows Americans want solid answers to the tough questions, having hosted two nationally syndicated talk-radio shows during the 1990s: "America Talks" and "World Economic Perspective."

Sounds as good as Rush Limbaugh.

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